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Mysticism or Magic in Art of Dali

Tuesday 28 May 2019 at 09:49 am

Learning about sub- and from Jung and Dali

by Nataša Pantović

Within us we carry a kind of artistic memory which transcends cultures, the national borders and the limitation of time, and space, it is a type of a psychological inheritance of humanity.

Jung suggests that if an individual is able to integrate the unconscious ideas into the conscious activity and understanding, this idea acts as the muse of ancient Greek mythology; guiding, and inspiring the artist to create artworks of great power and complexity, giving us spectators a great insighinto human nature.

Within my journeys, whenever I encountered the art works of Dali, whether in Tate museum in London, Dali's museum in Barcelona, Spain or in Venice, I would stop in Wonder.

Voluptas Mors or Voluptuous / Desirable Death, 7 Women forming a human skull for Salvador Dali’s 1951 photo-shoot

Voluptas Mors or Voluptuous / Desirable Death, 7 Women forming a human skull for Salvador Dali’s 1951 photo-shoot

check also Mysticism and Magic

Read more Mysticism or Magic in Art of Dali

The Oldest European Town dated 9,000 BC

Monday 27 May 2019 at 3:36 pm

by Nataša Pantović Amazon Link

In the course of human evolution, people learned to live together, first in small isolated groups, than in larger communities and some of the societies became civilizations. Now, I can bet that you did not know that the first European town-settlement was Lepenski Vir now dated to 9,500 BC. You might say, Plovdiv, in Bulgaria - 6000 BC. Plovdiv is by far the oldest city in Europe, having been founded about 6000 BC... Or Athens, in Greece with its first settlement dating to 3000 BC.

Or perhaps Lepenski Vir, dated to 9,500 BC to 6,000 BC.

The Oldest European Town Lepenski Vir Sculpture

The Oldest European Town Lepenski Vir Sculpture

I am now talking about the real cultures, unlike the ones that are only within our mythology, such as Atlantis. Going back to the very cradle of civilization we find:

The Persian civilization and the Ancient Greek Civilization during the period: 2700 BC– 200 AC

Of course, there is Ancient China, it was around 2700 BC that the legendary Yellow Emperor began his rule, The Mayan Civilization, 2600 BC – 900 AC that flourished in Central America. According to them, the world was created on August 11, 3,114 BC, the date from which their calendar begins. So not even they could imagine a culture that is as old as 6,000 BC.

The Indus Valley Civilization, covers the period of 3300 BC–1900 BC. Along with Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, it was one of three early civilizations of the ancient world. The peak phase of this civilization was from 2600 BC to around 1900 BC. A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture is evident in the Indus Valley civilization. The Mesopotamian Civilization, from around 3300 BC to 750 BC is where civilized society truly began to take shape. They prospered in the regions of modern day Iraq, then known as Babylonia, Sumer, and the Assyria Highlands.

When you speak of anything earlier you get really excited if you find a skeleton dated some 1,000s of years or a cave with arts that goes back a 1,000 of years. The time-line of the Megalithic cultures in Europe, known for constructing the megalithic temples are 3,600 BC: in Malta (Ġgantija and Mnajdra temples); 3,000 BC: Constructions of Ħaġar Qim and Tarxien, and 2,800 BC: Construction of Stonehenge in the UK.

Each civilization contributed to our and subconscious development in many ways: with new inventions, art, philosophies, lifestyles, etc. From the very cradle of civilization to our children, who we are, is the result of all our learnings.

This relatively recent archaeological finding became extremely interesting when we place the time frame to the settlement and we realise that we are not in the middle of discovery of 1 cave or 1 wall or 1 house but a settlement of 136 homes.

Read more The Oldest European Town dated 9,000 BC

The Mystery of Babylon Tower

The confusion of tongues (confusio linguarum) Tuesday 14 May 2019 at 11:41 am

Confusion of Sounds and Babylon

by Natasa Pantović

Freely recording / researching our religious practices and comparing our mystical experiences is a very new experience...

As a researcher you must admit that the Humanity's drive for Goodness is still perfectly manipulated by Far-Right or Far-Left Political structures that wish to sell arms or steal our Oil or have other “billionaire’s interests” at H-eart. Now, allow me to tell you why...

The God Vibration

Baal 1400 BC Ancient Ugarit Phoenician coast Louvre

Baal 1400 BC Ancient Ugarit Phoenician coast Louvre

The mystical and magical Tower of Babel, was the cause of the early separation of mankind and their division into nations. It hasn't happened at the Babel Towel, yet the dispersion of the Alphabet, education, and the lady science in all its forms, indeed got disrupted around this period, so that the secret of writing stays with the ones in Power: at that time Kings and Priests.

Read more The Mystery of Babylon Tower

The God Vibration

Following The Music of Sound H Monday 06 May 2019 at 1:00 pm

Following "H" through Ancient Civilizations as Sound of and Cosmic Vibrations

by Natasa Pantović

H as symbol of Age of Pisces

The sound frequency and the use of symbols within our mystical spiritual traditions, all through the centuries of our existence on this planet, carried the initiation into the altered states of , our (H}ope to transmit the spiritual energy between various levels of reality.

Following the name of supreme God, the frequency of the sound of Ya-Ho-Wa within Anglo-Saxon languages, the ancient Arab worlds and within the Slavic cultures, I found some inspiring patterns.

Check also Goddess Axen and Athena

Read more The God Vibration

Wisdom of Gods

Osiris Isis and Horus in ancient cultures of Egypt and Greece 2,000 BC Saturday 06 April 2019 at 10:05 am

Ancient Mediterranean Cultures and Advanced Civilizations

by Nataša Pantović

The Tao of Logos

During the past 50 / 100 years , more and more archeological and findings further enlighten our knowledge of Humanity’s strive for democracy, justice, art, of what we now call "advanced civilizations" of cultures around Mediterranean 2/3/4,000 BC. Not at all a recent adventure, this drive within Humankind, has fully flourished in ancient countries all around Mediterranean for more than 2,000 years.

Eye of Horus ancient Egyptian Symbol 3000 BC

Why should we care?

For the last two thousands years, our writings were reserved for Kings, our knowledge passed among the privileged few, the image of women distorted, and abused. Learning, researching, exloring in our wish not to repeat Humanity’s shadow side, past mistakes, the genocides, the endless wars, the destructive spirals of greed, examining the birth-place of European culture and civilization, going back in time, before Romans, we acknowledge the beauty of the remarkably well preserved Neolithic village of Khirokitia (in Cyprus) that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site dating to approximately 6800 BC; of 30 + Ancient Neolithic Temples in Malta dating 3500 BC, of Ancient Greeks Polis, the city states, dating 2,000 BC, of Ancient Egypt, of Babylon, of Ugarit (now Syria), of Thrace and its amazing Universities, we now connect to our roots truthfully in an amazment, full of wonder towards what they have achieved within their cultures.

Read more Wisdom of Gods