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Food for Health Main Principles

Eat Mindfully Most Important Tips Tuesday 01 October 2013 at 08:26 am

Guide to Mindful Eating

Food for Health

by Mirjana Musulin

Observe your body  

If you suffer from the skin dryness you might luck liquids or have a problem with your digestion system.

Follow the signs of your body  

Observe your looks, your skin, eyes, nails and hair, because they might indicate the lack of vitamins, minerals, or problems with some organs.

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Healthy Snack

Best Healthy Snacks Wednesday 24 October 2012 at 08:25 am

Mindful Eating

Best Healthy Snacks

Snacks don't have to be a guilty pleasure.  Discover creative and healthy ways to snack...

The way certain foods are chosen and prepared can change how healthy they are for us. 

healthy snacks healthy food choice

Good Healthy Snacks Swap List 

We have created a swap list for you to make your diet healthier and your body & mind stronger.

  • swap meat for veggies
  • swap white for brown
  • swap soft drinks for spring water (with a bit of lemon or lime)
  • swap coloured and processed food with organics
  • swap sugar with honey or fruits
  • swap a milk-chocolate bar for a piece of dark chocolate
  • swap a handful of sweets for a handful of berries
  • swap an apple pie for a baked apple
  • swap cream for plain yoghurt
  • swap 2nd cup of coffee for a cup of white or green tea
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Real Food for Health

What is Real Food: Organic, Sustainable, Local Sunday 17 June 2012 at 9:13 pm

Mindful Eating with Delicious Vegan Raw Recipes 

A book excerpt by Olivera Rosić

What is Real Food, What to Eat and Why

Real Food is: Organic, Sustainable, Local

A steady diet of real food is needed to sustain good health

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Acid or Alkaline Foods

Yin Yang Foods Sunday 17 June 2012 at 8:28 pm

Mindful Eating with Delicious Vegan Raw Recipes 

A book excerpt by Nataša Pantović

Yin and Yang of Foods

Acid or Alkaline Foods, The Key to Good Healthy Diet

Foods either produce  in the body after they are metabolized.  In most cases, people consume more acidic foods than alkaline foods.

Our should consist of 80 percent alkaline foods and 20 percent acidic foods.

yin and yang of foods. mindful eating conscious living quote

Yin and Yang of foods. Mindful Eating Conscious Living Quote by Nataša Pantović

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Fruit & Veggies

10 Miracle Foods for Best Nutrition Sunday 17 June 2012 at 8:07 pm

Mindful Eating with Delicious Vegan Raw Recipes 

A book excerpt by Nataša Pantović

Fruit and Veggies

A perfect gift of Nature! 

 have their best healing and nutrition effects when eaten separately from grains and
vegetables.  Eat fruits one hour before consuming any other foods and the best time is MORNING.

Creating a healthy vegetarian meal is an art of choosing and balancing ingredients, taking care of proteins, utilizing raw ingredients, and preparing Real Food for Health

Mindful Eating by Nataša Pantović Quote, Choosing Healthy Food

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