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Babylon Mysticism

Amorites first fighters for Justice Freedom Equality 2,000 BC Sunday 02 December 2018 at 11:45 am

Babylon Mysticism and 2,000 BC

Amorites and North Africa's Advanced Civilizations

Following Humanity's fight for

You must have heard of Babylon, the city that was pillaged numerous times and was officially "damned" by God, with its name written within our official copies of the Bible, the most published book of all times!

The lovers of LOVE will rejoice hearing that Babylon founder were indeed called Amorites.

by Nataša Pantović

Marduk of Babylon Encyclopedia Brittannica

Even though and / Goodness is my research I have missed the fact that Amorite monarchs led a revolution of their times (2,000BC North Africa), they freed citizens from taxes, distributed Church land to citizens, abolished forced labor, spread education building most amazing cities...

Also check Spiritual Writings the most read genre of all times 

21st Century Spiritual Renaissance

Demystifying Magic When Eastern Aum meets Western Amen

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Mysticism within Art Leonardo da Vinci as Role Model

Faces and Enlightenment from Leonardo da Vinci to Contemporary art Projects Tuesday 20 November 2018 at 08:51 am

Reconsidering Transcendence in Art

Mysticism Role Models and

From Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa to Contemporary Art Projects

by Nataša Pantović

Leonardo da Vinci, the Portrait of a Man in Red Chalk, painted in 1512, when Leonardo da Vinci was 60+ and living in France, in Biblioteca Reale, Turin

21st Century Spiritual Renaissance

Demystifying Magic When Eastern Aum meets Western Amen

If you know anything about true or , you will know that both are synonyms for a life-long research and devotion to beauty. There is no way to make a child or a lay man “mentally” appreciate a perfect glass of wine or a tea spoon of perfect honey that is from the best organic lands, since they yet do not have training and patience necessary to comprehend the complexity behind its making. This is why there is no money in true art. It is our Kings, Governments and Churches that have in the past sponsored true art praying their fame will stay with us for eternity.

Following our drive for goodness and manifestations, we are 100% sure that if we follow the Role Models our lives will flourish

Humanity has developed a strong forceful urge to follow the best in the class: the best of scientists, the best of educators, the best of ancestors, the best of the religious followers, Gurus – an Indian man would tell you. Abusing this noble urge many Kings, read: Churches have offered us (Humanity) a number of lunatics to follow confusing them with “Saints”, so our kids will go into wars while they were able to use “killing” as a hypnosis tool with the best of our youths.

Acting as behavioral models, the role models do influence our goal setting and represent the highest potent posibility within our lives. Within our minds they create an inspirational force that influences us thoughout our journey, increasing our motivational drive.

Manipulating our drive towards goodness, towards the Role Models, now we have our children following Pop Stars, Actors and TV personalities, whose job is presenting oneself in the most likeable of ways. If the most likeable way is rebellion, they shall give you rebellion, if the most likeable way is truthfulness (God bless the likes of John Oliver, whose opinion I deeply respect) they shall give you truthfulness.

If we consciously understand this huge drive to follow Role Models, we will be following the likes of Socrates, Plato, YoganandaPythagoras, Rumi, Dante, Giordanno Bruno, Bach, Nikola Tesla, Leonardo da Vinci, PatanjaliLeo Tolstoy, Jung, Sri Aurobindo Lao Tzu and St Teresa but following their lives was at times hugely difficult

Check also Leonardo da Vinci's Leda with Swan Mystical Knowledge

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Esoteric Teachings of Ripley’s Scrolls

Age of Enlightenment Mysticism within Christian Art Monday 12 November 2018 at 11:37 am

Esoteric Christian 17th century Ripley's Alchemy Scrolls

by Nataša Pantović

Respecting the knowledge of Alchemists, within this dynamic orphic, hermaphrodite Universe of manifestations, we now examine the within teachings of the 16th / 17th century Ripley’s Scrolls.

Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh Ripley’s Alchemical Scrolls 

Hermes Trismegistus and What is Alchemy? 

At the top of the Ripley’s Scrolls, a large, robed, bearded figure greets the researchers wishing to enter this magic dance of words and drawings. Identified as an Egyptian of Healing Thoth or Hermes Trismegistus (thrice-greatest), the legendary figure of Alchemists, is the first one we meet holding an egg-shaped vase and observing seven processes, used in transformation of metals into gold.

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Muslims are Christians

Spiritual not Religious fight for Goodness Monday 26 June 2017 at 1:49 pm

Free Mind

Have you ever read Koran?

Perhaps this is not a book that you keep on the top of your reading pile, but while browsing through an old books section of my favorite bookshop I came across this most wonderful hand-woven translation with both ancient Arabic and English writings of this ancient text. Now, I am conditioned, as all of us Christians are, to „be aware“ of this book but its physical beauty went beyond my conditioning so I bought it and for the first time read it.
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Mindfulness Exercise Circle of Life

from Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course Thursday 08 June 2017 at 10:32 am

Free Personal Development Tools

Mindfulness Exercise: Life Circle Mandala

from Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course

Recently I was asked to lead a Circle of Life workshop during a spiritual retreat at the outskirts of a fishermen village in Malta: Marsa Xlokk. Surrounded with a group that regularly meditates, this self-development exercise entered an inspiring dimension.

The Life Circle is a used as a and tool to remind us of what an amount of time we spend in useful activities and how much of our time we devote to truly life enriching habits and endavours. The participants are encouraged to contemplate three areas of their lives: physical, mental/emotional and spiritual and to write or draw within the circle their life supporting / enriching habits and their life destructive / wasteful activities or patterns.

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