What is Love
What is Unconditional Love Spiritual Quotes Who we are, Relationships, Spirituality, Quotes, Art, Power of Mind, Mindfulness, Self Development Course, meditationSpiritual Quotes
What is Love Spiritual Quotes
In Love with Love
'I sought love in many lives. I shed bitter tears of separation and repentance to know what love is. I sacrificed everything, all attachment and delusion, to learn at last that I am in love with Love - with God - alone. Then I drank love through all true hearts. I saw that He is the One Cosmic Lover, the One Fragrance that permeates all the variegated blossoms of love in the garden of life.
The sun and moon and earth and all things are held together by the love of God. If we want to know God, we must not isolate our love, but join it to Divine Love. In spite of the sorrowful dance of life and death we know that God is Love. Therefore the only purpose of life should be to find God.
Love is the song of the soul, singing to God. Love comes from the Lord. It is the panacea for all our human sufferings. There is noting greater than love, for it is a quality of God Himself within our beings. When we manifest this love under all circumstances, it expands to greater, universal love. Such love is divine. When you have that kind of love, then and then only are you One with God.
Many souls wonder wistfully, helplessly, why love flees from one heart to another; awakened souls realize that the heart is not fickle in loving different ones, but is loving the one God-Love that is present in all hearts.'
Yogananda Quotes on Unconditional Love: A scripture of love
Quotes About Unconditional Love
Question What is Love?
'We are not loved because we don't know how to love.What is love? The word is so loaded and corrupted that I hardly like to use it. Everybody talks of love - every magazine and newspaper and every missionary talks everlastingly of love. I love my country, I love my king, I love some book, I love that mountain, I love pleasure, I love my wife, I love God. Is love an idea? If it is, it can be cultivated, nourished, cherished, pushed around, twisted in any way you like...
Can love be divided into the sacred and the profane, the human and the divine, or is there only love? Is love of the one and not of the many? If I say,`I love you', does that exclude the love of the other? Is love personal or impersonal? Moral or immoral? Family or non-family? If you love mankind can you love the particular? Is love sentiment? Is love emotion? Is love pleasure and desire? All these questions indicate, don't they, that we have ideas about love, ideas about what it should or should not be, a pattern or a code developed by the culture in which we live...
But if you still want to find out, you will see that fear is not love, dependence is not love, jealousy is not love, possessiveness and domination are not love, responsibility and duty are not love, self-pity is not love, the agony of not being loved is not love, love is not the opposite of hate any more than humility is the opposite of vanity. So if you can eliminate all these, not by forcing them but by washing them away as the rain washes the dust of many days from a leaf, then perhaps you will come upon this strange flower which man always hungers after. If you have not got love, not just in little drops but in abundance if you are not filled with it, the world will go to disaster...
In this torn desert world there is no love because pleasure and desire play the greatest roles, yet without love your daily life has no meaning. And you cannot have love if there is no beauty. Beauty is not something you see - not a beautiful tree, a beautiful picture, a beautiful building or a beautiful woman. There is beauty only when your heart and mind know what love is. Without love and that sense of beauty there is no virtue, and you know very well that, do what you will, improve society, feed the poor, you will only be creating more mischief, for without love there is only ugliness and poverty in your own heart and mind. But when there is love and beauty, whatever you do is right, whatever you do is in order...'
'That is the extraordinary thing about love: it is the only quality that brings a total comprehension of the whole of existence...'
Krishnamurti Quotes on Love, 1980
Love Compassion Guided Meditation
Universal Compassion
'No matter how new the face or how different the dress and behavior, there is no significant division between us and other people. It is foolish to dwell on external differences, because our basic natures are the same. Ultimately, humanity is one and this small planet is our only home, If we are to protect this home of ours, each of us needs to experience a vivid sense of universal altruism. It is only this feeling that can remove the self-centered motives that cause people to deceive and misuse one another.’
Dalai Lama on Unconditional Love
Chemistry of Love and How to Train Unconditional Love
Love and Relationships Articles
Our philosophers, our poets, our scientists, tell us that the formula of our Universe is Love, governed by Venus...
Nuit, Mindful Being Book Quote about love
What is Unconditional Love
Sex and Long Term Relationship
Reaching our highest potential, we hope to learn about the energy of love, of falling in love, exploring its flow within our souls.
Training Love and Conscious Relationships
"If you realise your True Self, you will not need suffering, you will understand what a waste of time suffering is, when Consciousness can be your choice. On the opposite scale of suffering you will find Love."
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