Conscious Parenting Book Reviews
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Conscious Parenting book Reviews
Milica’s Goodreads Review 16 May 2015: Lovely Inspiring Course
An amazing course full of exercises tailored for parents. I am into Waldorf education, green parenting, simplicity parenting, so this was a lovely inspiring course to follow.
Conscious Parenting Review: This Book is a Treasure!
By Zoya Lu, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, August 2015, Amazon Review
This book is a treasure! I've been on the path of self-development for over 15 years and of motherhood for 3 years. I've learned a lot on the way. Yet the Conscious Parenting book has taught me a great deal of parenting wisdom. It's based on the idea that to be a good parent one has to be a good person which we all know. But how do we achieve this? The author amazes me with her capacity to offer a very spiritual approach in a very down-to-earth way. The book is full of practical tips, questionnaires, tables and charts, and concrete steps to improve ALL areas of one's life (including your eating habits, your home environment, identifying your mental fixations, mastering your daily habits, observing your emotions, etc.) I haven't finished it yet, it's 228 pages and I find myself reading the chapters I most attracted to first. It's not a book you read and put on the far-away shelf. I keep it close for daily doses of inspiration and I feel I will go back to it again and again. If you are ready to actively change yourself and enjoy parenthood which brings joy of deep connection to your child, you'll find this book is surely worth your investment.
Zoya Lu is Yoga and Meditation Teacher living in Taipei, Taiwan
Conscious Parenting Official Reviews and Interviews
Nuit for Sunday Times Education of the Future and Conscious Parenting
Interview with Nuit Conscious Parenting and Kids Happiness
Buzzfeed Interview with Nuit about Mindfulness Training and Love
Nuit for Sunday Times Kids Freedom in Schools and Conscious Parenting
Conscious Parenting: Amazing Read! Ljubica Bradic Grgin, an artist and interior designer, 15th November 2015, Booklike Review
We got to the list of best 5 self-development books for kids in 2017! Proud of it!
I cannot put this book down - it is one of the most useful and helpful parenting books I have read. As a new parent, i found Conscious Parenting: Mindful Living Course for Parents to be my essential guide through an alien territory, in addition offering holistic approach to healthier living for entire family. Highly recommended, this book deserves an honored place on your bookshelf, but it will not end up there, you wont let it out of your hands. The simple, straightforward methods detailed are easy to understand and put into practice, and I can promise anyone who wants to learn how to become conscious parent, this book is a wonderful beginning. Exercises helped me to relieve stress, improve mental health and maximize ability to focus and i believe, become a better mom. I think this should be required reading for all parents.
Conscious Parenting: a pretty tall order, made simple! By Dr P Xuereb, Lecturer at University of Malta, March 2015, Amazon Review
'There is no such thing as an ideal parent but there is a possibility to create an ideal growing environment for our children. Love, freedom, rhythm, routine, help our little ones grow into happy and inspired adults. The Alchemy of Love Conscious Parenting Course is full of inspiring daily and weekly exercises and tools that reminded me at all times to come back to love as the guiding principle for parenting. The exercises were fun to do with my kids and during the course we created a very special rapport that was full of fun, creativity and sharing.
I have two kids, one who is 4 and the other 16, and when I am not being a university professor in my professional life, I spend a lot of time as their personal taxi driver taking them from one activity to the other -- so there were areas within my life that I needed to protect with my partner and my friends. These were the areas that I struggled with most throughout the course. Finding the time for deeper contact with my loved ones remained a great challenge, but at least I became aware that I have a problem that needs my attention. When defining my true goals in this area, I kept coming back to this issue -- so I know I need to create space and time within my life for deeper contacts with my partner, friends and family. The parenting is very demanding, and I agree with Nuit that it is (probably!) the most difficult job in the world, so I am very happy to have come across this course and that I had enough willpower to stick with it for the full 12 weeks. If you're into this kind of thing, I would look for more stuff from this author! Highly recommended!'
Elena Trintas Booklikes and Goodreads: Conscious Parenting Course is a Treasure!
Deeply moving and inspiring. Book and course that changed my life, got me more focused and released some of my parenting troubles. The Conscious Parenting is full of exercises and parenting little tricks and tools, loaded with wisdom and practical knowledge. I am a practicing yogi and loving my 'green outlook to life', often feel as an alien within the world of technology gadgets and TV noise. Conscious Parenting came to me as a gift from an angel to confirm my life-choices and gave me strength in protecting my kids from the confusion this world offers. Conscious Parenting Course is about the parenting journey towards more conscious choices, towards more regular and rhythmic life-style, towards simplicity and creativity, towards spiritual and creative work with kids. This book is a treasure and I love spending time in re-visiting its modules and exercises. Keeps us deeper connected as a family.
Conscious Parenting Book is a Treasure by Vesna Lamari, Project Manager at Apple, Austin Tx, November 2015, Amazon Review
Conscious parenting is a great book that helps us parents identify areas of our lives that need attention in order to create a loving and caring environment which enables our kids to thrive. Conscious Parenting is a reminder to parents to live in the present and nurture themselves so they can better nurture their children. This course provides a cross-section of studies to different aspects of life and suggests exercises for parents' self improvement. In addition, it also provides recommendations for how to deal with various parental challenges. Whether you read it from cover to cover, or pick the segments that interest you, you will find thought provoking views and ideas for raising our consciousness as parents to better live with our children.
Conscious Parenting Course is a great course and I highly recommend it by Dee on June;2015, Amazon Review
Conscious Parenting courses is a great course and I highly recommend it! I enjoyed working with my kids on creativity exercises of various sorts. Our busy life-styles, make us all a bit hyperactive and detached from nature so seeing my loved ones working on some simple but inspiring exercises from the course, enjoying their creativity time, and preparing little surprises for us, parents, made us appreciate our life as a family. The course is fun, full of exercises and tips for kids development. 12 modules cover all the areas within one's life, so there is much to enjoy but I would highlight: anger management, understanding core beliefs, personal development plan and of course the various exercises within the module: relationships. Worth going back to the course at different stages of life! I will probably re-do it again in a couple of years. Must experience!
Dragana's Conscious Parenting Goodreads Review: Great Collection of Parenting Tools, 02. April 2015
Conscious Parenting Course is full of parenting exercises and tools. If you are into green parenting, mindful parenting, alternative schooling methods, parenting and spirituality, very practical exercises, this is the book for you, full of useful tools for kids creativity, emotional intelligence, ways of looking at the world around them. Highly recommended! Switching off TV and computers, the course gives the parent ways to stay inspired and full of various ways to get the family 'together' and allow 'love' to flow within the relationships.
Ivana's Conscious Parenting Goodreads Review: Inspiring and Practical, Architect and Mother of 2 kids, 11th August 2015
I read 4 Nuit’s books. I read the Art of 4 Elements, Conscious Parenting, and two Mindful Eating books, the books about healthy nutrition and vegetarian cooking.
In addition to a very concrete advice on the attitude towards children, the development of daily routine, and healthy way of preparing food, I discovered how to become more aware of myself, and how to treat every day as a special gift from God. During the duration of the course I was learning how to develop creativity and joy of existence. Finally, after all the exercises, all the inspiration from reading I woke up feeling my soul and heart filled with love.
I highly recommend the Alchemy of Love mindfulness Training books to anyone who wants to develop a better lifestyle or have a healthier and happier time with the family, and learn how to live in harmony with nature and with God.
Conscious Parenting Google Reviews: Inspired by Waldorf, Real Treasure! Full of Love
The Alchemy of Love Courses written by Nuit include a very insightful and inspiring course called Conscious Parenting. I am not a parent but I am very interested in working with kids. It is a 12module course full of insight into conscious parenting, and full of exercises for parents that respect each child and his or her growing patterns. The course is aimed towards a family and it is done with exercises that include the work with kids and the family constellation. The course is inspired by Waldorf schooling methods and it is a real treasure for all who wish to include some lovely spiritual methods within the growth of their children. Full of love. Highly recommended!!!
Google Review of Conscious Parenting Book: Great wisdom, great exercises!
Conscious Parenting. My favourite. So happy I found it. Great wisdom. Great exercises. Preview through Google and see what I mean. Full of exercises. Full of tools. The best!
Google Review of Conscious parenting Course: Very Useful Parenting Self-Development Tools
Conscious Parenting Course is full of useful parenting self-development exercises. I have first tried Alchemy of Love Mindful Being course and since I loved it, I went for the Conscious Parenting Course. 12 weeks of inspiring self-development work that works with various tools that improve our mindfulness and parenting skills. I find it difficult to get organised with my kids and various exercises that are done around the Circle of Activity were very useful for understanding what is it in my life that I need and that would help me be a better parent. I recommend this course to all, especially the Gold version that has 11 hours of supporting videos / presentations. The difference in price is minimal for the material and the inspiration one gets.
Google Conscious Parenting review: Amazing Art of Parenting
Great parenting course that goes into various aspect of self development: nutrition, core beliefs, love, rhythm and why is daily rhythm so important, nurturing creativity in kids. For the most benefits, work on the course together as a family. Also, the video support (gold version) is worth the extra pound. One can do it in 12 days, 12 weeks or work on it 12 years. Perhaps it is the best to use 12 weeks, I was curious so I was doing exercises in parallel, some are already part of my life but some are here to stay within my life as long as I am trying to discover this amazing art of parenting.
Google Review of Conscious Parenting: Beautiful and Valuable Book
A beautiful and valuable book - full of wisdom and practical examples.
DeGe about Conscious Parenting, reviews at Booklikes: Mindfully Beautiful!
Mindful Living for Parents is an Alchemy of Love Course. Firstly we ask ourselves the question Who am I? The very first step is learning about habits, surroundings, the way of life. The program works with the full range of parenting transformation tools that examine the body, emotions, thoughts, relationships, surroundings, goals and dreams.
All throughout the course I was looking at the development of my strengths as a parent, at parenting virtues, and positive attitudes towards kids, and the way to develop our kids talents, creativity, etc.
Is it self discipline, and strengthening of the willpower that we need to tap into your highest potential? Or is it love? A tender balance of mindfulness and beauty.
We ask ourselves the questions: Are there habits that suffocate our development? Is it the endless chatter within our head that kills our initiatives and our kids creativity? We go back to the concept of Simplicity Parenting. We work with our Core Beliefs as parents. The course examines the negative beliefs that might disturb us. We answer the very important question: What do we really want to live as parents? Do we live our dream life? A beautiful journey!
A lovely course filled with wisdom and soul! By Joanne Figov on July 26, 2015, Amazon Review
I came across Natasa and her 12 week 'Mindful Being' training. I am so pleased I did as I found it stimulating, interesting and what is so good about the course is that she has incorporated all areas of life, from one's home environment, to our habits, beliefs, food and our body, relationships and mind. As a person who works in the health and healing field I already knew much of what is contained in this course but she put a fresh edge on it and simplified some concepts like the meditation into an easier format for daily life. I found she structured her information well and it came across in a workable way. This course really makes one think as there are questionnaires, exercises and so much practical information that I found I could incorporate into my life in an easy way. Above all this course made me more aware of myself and how I behave in daily life. It got me thinking and helped me to changed my behaviour and my thought patterns. It is enjoyable and fun and I loved writing my journal and following the progress over time. I would definitely recommend this 'Mindful Being' course to anyone, young or old, as it is geared towards anyone with an interest in their body/mind and self development. A lovely course filled with wisdom and soul!!!
Milica Mica rated 5 stars at Goodreads.
An amazing course full of exercises tailored for parents. I am into Waldorf education, green parenting, simplicity parenting, so this was a lovely inspiring course to follow.
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