Ama Book Reviews
A-Ma Alchemy of Love Historical Spiritual Fiction by Nataša Pantović Nuit Who we are, Spirituality, default, Power of Mind, Mindfulness, meditationAma Alchemy of Love
A-Ma Alchemy of Love by Nuit Book Reviews
Spiritual Historical Fiction set in 17th Century Macau
Sue Andreas's review Feb 27, 2017. Rated it 5 stars!
bookshelves: classic,spiritual, mindfulness, self-development
Beautifully written wisdom of ages.
Alchemy of soul within the alchemy of love.
Through the eyes of 12 narrators: Ama-s friends, Gods, & spirits, Historian, Lover, Alchemist, Reuben, Father Benedict, etc.
A-Ma explores the human and social alchemy through the historical events in Macau: Dutch Attack, Chinese Calendar Reform, missioners work, Witch Hunt, through the eyes of Gods, Goddess, Amas father De-Nobille, a Portuguese Alchemist, her mother spirit, her lover.
We also follow a universal spiritual journey that is within each one of us: the path from suffering to love. Each character chooses their-own path to God and each path leads to Divine, whether it is called Christ or Buddha or Tao.
spiritual not religious.
Must read at least once!
A glimse into Ama-s 12 chapters overview
Elena Trintas's review, Mar 05, 2017
bookshelves: mind, self-improvement, soul, motivational, novel,spiritual, art, alchemy-of-love, self-development
Loved this deep and intriguing novel!
Mario Johns's review, Feb 26, 2017
Learning from the Chinese that during the centuries lived in a huge land surrounded by a wall is just an attempt to bridge two sides of the world, two ways of thinking, two approaches to spirituality, art, music, the Yin and Yang of energies manifestations, creating an Alchemy of Humanity and witnessing an alchemy of souls.
The book is multi-leveled and I enjoyed following Amas life, learning about different African / Chinese customs, exploring spiritual stories of different eras and moving through the historical events of the time in Macao and in China: the Dutch attack, Building of the annual Chinese Calendar, Father Schall appointment to the Board of Mathematicians, first Universities in Macao translating manuscripts from Chinese to Portuguese and Spanish, witch hunt, and scientific revolution that moved the centuries ahead. Ama puts us in the main seat. We feel like we are driving the history of humanity together with Gods, spirits, and enlightened people of the time. We are the alchemists who work on the personal transformation and lovers or confused souls that are too attached to the idea that we all need suffering to grow. In fact there are many messages reoccurring through this work: it reflect the wisdom of today's search. What is the alchemy of love? What is God? How to live Divine in all the areas of life. Soul and spirit, spiritual not religious, deep and complex, interesting and playful.
Aurora Zora's review, Apr 05, 2017
So who is Ama? A divine female incarnated within a setting of the 17th century Macau (China). A most amazing female protagonist whose wisdom is vast and moving. I read about Tao, I read about alchemy, I read about love, and China and its amazing esoteric knowledge. I think Ama will be something else for each one of us. I will not spoil your story. I will let you do your-own discovery. I personally was impressed with what I got from the novel.
Kristina's review Mar 25, 2017
This book transferred me into a journey to another sphere, time, through foreign lands, mix of cultures, perhaps even through different spiritual dimensions, still touching upon questions we all ask even today. Is it religion, or magic or heart we ought to follow? Love that is in its pure simplicity the essence of the path to highest spirituality, through the deep respect of life elements: water, fire, wood, metal and earth. Inside of your eternal search perhaps you will find the answers exactly within this book. Do Gods and Goddesses face the same dilemmas as we pure mortals and how different we are truly from the Creators? How one contains the magic of two and One is mirrored in all. How often the differences between us divide us and how often do they bring us together. In an attempt to solve the secret of life and death, do we come across the stage of the Creator Herself? Where is the harmony and how to live it? When is the moment when “The Essence became Now, past and future disappeared.”
A-Ma Alchemy of Love, the spiritual book that I sincerely recommend to all, the book you will return to always learning something new, with the questions that are at that moment within you. “Everything in Nature manifests either through Heavenly Father or through Mother Earth.” A-ma Alchemy of Love
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