The Tao of Logos
Magic of Uniting Visible and Invisible Learning from Amorites 2,000 BC Art, Symbols and Signs, Spirituality, Power of Mind, defaultby Nataša Pantović
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.
En arkhêi ên ho lógos, kaì ho lógos ên pròs tòn theón, kaì theòs ên ho lógos.
Despite the conventional translation as "word", λόγος is not “a word” in the grammatical sense, the term lexis (λέξις, léxis) would have been used if our narrator wished to convey “a word”. I much more prefer what David Bentley Hart translates as: 'In the origin there was the Logos, and the Logos was present with GOD, and the Logos was god'.
For decades scholars agreed that Jesus most likely grew up in his home at Nazareth using Aramaic as his mother tongue. Some speculate that Hebrew was only the language of Rabbis, a dead language after the Babylonian Exile, yet it is likely that Jesus still fluently spoke Hebrew. The fact that the Gospels were originally written in Greek show it was widespread in Jesus’ time so when he conversed with “Romans” they would have used Greek. Judging the crowds attending the gathering, the scholars concluded that Jesus spoke the entire Sermon on the Mount in Greek.
Logos (Ancient Greek: λόγος), a Greek word meaning "word", "reason", or much more.
Heraclitus (535 BC - 475 BC), used the term for a principle of order and knowledge. Stoicism as a school of Hellenistic philosophy (Athens 300 BC), influenced by the teachings of Socrates, defines the logos as the active reason pervading and animating the Universe. Neoplatonism is a term used for a chain of thinkers that lived around that time in Greece.
“This logos holds always but humans always prove unable to ever understand it, both before hearing it and when they have first heard it. For though all things come to be in accordance with this logos, humans are like the inexperienced when they experience such words and deeds as I set out, distinguishing each in accordance with its nature and saying how it is. But other people fail to notice what they do when awake, just as they forget what they do while asleep.” - Heraclitus (535 – 475 BC), Translations from Richard D. McKirahan, Philosophy before Socrates
Philo of Alexandria (20 BC - 50 AC), used the term Logos to mean an intermediary divine being or demiurge. Plato's Theory of Forms was located within the Logos, but the Logos acted on behalf of God in the physical world.
The concept of Logos in Sufism is used to relate Divine to mankind for no contact between man and God can be possible without the Logos.
Plotinus in interpreting Logos as the principle of meditation, gives methods to achieve ecstasy using Logos as the Divine Eternal Principle existing as the interrelationship between the Soul, the Spirit (nous), and the One. For Plotinus, the relationship between the three by the outpouring of Logos from the higher principle to the Soul, or by eros (loving) coming from the lower principle. Centuries later, Carl Jung contrasted logos vs eros represented as the alchemical Sol and Luna, science and mysticism, or conscious and unconscious.
While praying for the rest of the humanity in his prayers to God, at the very end of St John, Jesus uses the same word, praying for Humanity saying -
John 17:20 Οὐ περὶ τούτων δὲ ἐρωτῶ μόνον, ἀλλὰ καὶ περὶ τῶν πιστευόντων διὰ τοῦ λόγου αὐτῶν εἰς ἐμέ, 20"
“And not concerning these only am I making request, but also concerning the ones who through their Logos believe in me.”
Another beautiful insight worth noting is whenever we hear: Verily, verily, I say onto you… Jesus actually uses: “amhn amhn"
Amen, Amen I say to thee… He uses it often…
Amen and Amorites
Ancient Egypt Amenemhat III 1800 BC
To see its relevance today, let us go a step further, into the learnings beyond 2,000 years ago. Into Babylon and Amorites that lived 4,000 years ago. Their wisdom still lives within our words.
We find gods or goodness or law within the words AMR, in Ancient Egypt translated as the God Amon Ra, in Latin translated as AMORE. Pre Latinization, pre Supreme Male God Philosophy entered our minds, souls and lives, the one that was given to us by our wise ancestors as Mary, the sacred name for LOVE.
The one that has put forward the first command “Do not Kill” in an attempt to safeguard the Humanity’s efforts to reach God / Goodness / divine.
We wish to go far back in time because at the time when none traveled, none spoke other languages, and the Humanity was a hand-full of human beings, if they within their Lands had an Alphabete, they must have nourished Science as Supreme Act, so they had arts, sports, culture, and researchers that spent their lives exploring.
Now this becomes very interesting… Follow me in this journey!
Amorite is an extinct language, formerly spoken by the Amorite tribes from Babylonia (the end of the 3,000 and the beginning of the 2,000 BC).
Amarna Akkadian letter 1360 BC
Neolithic Ugarit
Neolithic Ugarit is the founding base of all the later languages on this side of the world (Arabic, Greek, Latin and all the other alphabets). Within this type of writing system each symbol stands for a consonant, leaving the reader to supply the appropriate vowel - it refers to the family of scripts called West Semitic. This ancient structure in several cases has the letter š – like in my name Nataša and ć đ ž č like it is found in my surname Pantović.
The name of the civilization is also known as “Neolithic Ugarit” and was fortified with a wall, as early as 6,000 BC. At the time of no trade, no major movements between nations, small boats, etc, between 1800 and 1200 BC, it was so advanced to be ruling a trade-based coastal kingdom, trading with Egypt, Cyprus, Syria, and much of the eastern Mediterranean.
Kings of Egypt wished to be remembered as Gods so they called themselves using the names of Gods - Amenemhat III, a pharaoh who ruled from 1860 BC to 1814 BC.
Ra we know to be the supreme God of Egypt and lands that followed Sun.
AMN - is for Amon Ra of Ancient Egypt.
It is the name of MaR-Y of Christianity. Y for Yahhowa
It is the name of MarDuk, the supreme God of Babylon
It is the name of AMT, the neolithic wisdom of AMORITES - ancient Malta, Cyprus, Crete, Ethiopia, Egypt, our oldest civilizations.
Malta temples Tarxien spirals 3000 BC
This was the supreme result of the Humanity’s Female path to spirituality, their input to our science, research, evolution, the one that teaches us “Do not Kill”.
A table of the ancient Ugaritic Alphabet
I don’t want to confuse you with all the scientific words but these writings were called - the early form of Canaanite, the language family which would later evolve into its daughter languages, Hebrew and Phoenician.
During the Amarna period: we are observing the drive for goodness, God, consciousness, enlightnemnt within the Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt, Mycenaean Greece, Hatti, the Kassite kingdom of Babylon, Assyria, and Mitanni. Research and tell me what you think...
Your knowledge of history still supports you enough to comprehend this journey – it is not a “miracle”, nor extra-terrestrial creatures ruling the world, it’s the time of no travel, no writing, no printing press, no water, no electricity. These came to our worlds as our “grand-fathers” inventions, yet the very ancient "Eastern" and “Western” civilization were advanced enough to “pass” their wisdom to the Humanity through their art, music, writings. It is where Humanity’s drive towards democracy, research, spirituality, God and Goodness comes from.
Now, this research comes from someone who belongs to the nation of Slavs, a woman, both categories once enslaved, from a mother and a scientist who traveled and lived in different places in Gaia - my subconscious and conscious knowledge tells me that the same drive for Goodness existed all around our little Planet, yet we had touched each other’s wisdom systems only within this generation.
You and me have the same drive for “Goodness” as our ancestors, we now just have an access to more “Knowledge”. We are ALL the SAME within our consciousness and sub-consciousness struggle, we are just, as souls, incarnated within different circumstances seeking enlightenment.
When born within a richer part of the world, we can read and write or claim our health benefits, still only a few can devote their lives to the Humanity’s research. We all benefit from the collective Universal knowledge.
Often it is clear that we live in "Chaos", what is not clear is that our numbers grew 10 times during the last 200 years. Learning from the ancestors, going back 5,000 years, the drive towards Goodness hides within our music, arts, sports...
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