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Learning from 300 Ancient Egypt Amarnu Letters or Ancient Greek Canaan Tablets 1,350 BC

Goddess aXen / Athena and Ancient Egyptian Amarna Heresy

Ancient Scripts De-Coding Symbols and Signs research by Nataša Pantović

Belief in one God in Ancient Egypt known as Amarna Heresy

Ancient Greek Canaan Tablets or Ancient Egyptian Amarna Letters 1,350 BC

1360 BC Akkadian diplomatic letter found in Tell Amarna diplomatic correspondence between the Egyptian administration and its representatives in Canaan and Amurru during the New Kingdom

When you get such an important archaeological findings, as the first ever stone letters written in 1,350 BC, found in Ancient Egypt called Ancient Greek, you start to wonder... The lingua franca used during the Late Bronze Age in the area was Akkadian. In 1887, a local Egyptian woman has uncovered a cache of over 300 cuneiform tablets now known as Amarna Letters.

Research and excavations of Amarna Letters

The letters are written in cuneiform and from 382 tablets: 350 are letters from the Pharaoh to his Rulers in Babylonia, Assyria, Mittani, Arzawa, Alashia and Hatti. You can explore them following your own research in the places all over the world:

203 in Berlin (Vorderasiatisches Museum)
49 or 50 in the Cairo Museum
95 in the British Museum
22 in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford (found by Petrie)
7 in the Louvre
9 in private collections
2 in the Metropolitan Museum New York (acquired by M. Chassinat)

Pharaohs of Canaan and Babylon

Currently known as Canaan (that within its name hid all the important God's sounds “aa”) was in Ancient Egypt and it is most famous for its Amarna Letters from the time of the Babylon Kingdom sent by the Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh AKHeNaTeM during his reign 1,350 BC to 1,330 BC, to his Rulers around the countryCanaan is also known as Phoenicia or present day Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Israel.

350 letters carved in 1,350 BC from the King to his Knights! Can you get the complexity and the beauty of this task! What an advanced culture this must have been to be able to communicate with carved letters, to have had wealth and resources we have struggled to achieve since.

Belief in One in ancient Egypt

The solitary sun-god in the reign of king AXenaten

Pharao Akhenaten and his Wife Nefertiti

Pharao Akhenaten (aXeNaTeN) and his wife Nefertiti ruled there. The city covered an area of approximately 12 km; on the west bank of Nile, and the land was set aside to provide crops for the city's population. The entire city was encircled with a total of 14 boundary stele. The tribe that lived in the region and founded a few settlements, including Babylon, was called Akhetaten aXeN

H.M. Stewart 1976, Egyptian stelae, Reliefs and Paintings from the Petrie Collection. The New Kingdom Texts from the time of Akhenaten Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca by Sandmen 1938

The documents record the pharaoh's wish to have several temples of the aXen / Athen


A female Goddess of the Region of the time was the Greek ATHena, so this takes us to her ancient name = aXeN

Slopes of the Acropolis Greece Mysticism of Ancient Temples 2500 BC

the city of Amarna from the north by river, the first buildings ran all the way up to the waterfront to the main residence of the Royal Family. The Northern Suburb was initially a prosperous area with large houses, but the house size decreased further from the road. Most of the important buildings were located in the central city and so was the Bureau of Correspondence of Pharaoh, where the Amarna Letters were found. The Bureau of Correspondence!!??@@ Wow! In 1,350 BC!!! Another WoW! The writings are cut into the cliffs on both sides of the Nile (10 on the east, 3 on the west) and record the events of AXeTaTeN from founding to its fall. They record religious reforms aimed at introducing a monotheism, and this scientific fact was later referred to as “Amarna heresy”

Hanging Gardens of Babylon 7 world wonders Encyclopaedia Britannica

The Time Line of this interesting story:

1714: the French Jesuit priest Claude Sicard describes a boundary stela.

1798-1799: the Napoleonic expedition visited the site of Amarna; they produce a map of the city.

1887: a woman discovered nearly 400 clay tablets inscribed in cuneiform script - the Amarna Letters

1891-1892: Petrie excavated parts of the city

since 1977: Excavations directed by Barry J. Kemp for the Egypt Exploration Society.

The solitary sun-god in the reign of king Akhenaten

Amarna Ancient Egypt Royal Family; 1350 BC New Kingdom time of AXoN in Egyptian Museum in Berlin

A female symbol or aX evoking Egyptian words for light, knowledge, and all other words world-wide associated with “X” that have been worshiping Fertility in Humanity and Gaia.

Rituals used in Babylon, one of the Amorites' Cities

The singing of hymns was the main ritual used for the celebration of the sun god Ra or the Goddess AXeN. The sun temples, were designed as the open-air platforms or with an open top for a better sun-rise, mid-day or sun-set views. At Amarna the sun-god is depicted as sun-disk (the Arabic uses Xa to indicate Sun) with sun rays blessing and offering life to the king and his wife

As in the case of Bible that was distributed all around the Planet, the Great Hymn to the aXen / Athen is our principal source of knowledge of this ancient Egyptian belief in the reign of aXenaten. The Hymn is inscribed in thirteen columns of hieroglyphs on the west wall of the courtier Ay at Amarna.

The original hieroglyphic inscriptions suffered vandalism since discovery.

1 paragraph Transliteration

>xay.k nfr m Axt nt pt
itn anx SAa anx
iw.k wbn.ti m Axt
mH.n.k tA nb m nfrw.k
iw.k an.ti wr.ti THn.ti qA.ti Hr-tp tA nb
stwt.k tAw r r-a irt.n.k nb
iw.k m ra in.k r
waf.k sn (n) sA-mr.k
iw.k wA.ti stwt.k Hr tA
tw.k m nw Smw.k

You rise beautiful from the horizon on heaven,
living disk, origin of life.
You are arisen from the horizon,
you have filled every land with your beauty.
You are fine, great, radiant, lofty over and above every land.
Your rays bind the lands to the limit of all you have made,
you are the sun, you have reached their limits.
You bind them (for) your beloved son.
You are distant, but your rays are on earth,
You are in their sight, but your movements are hidden.

Allen 1994. James P. Allen. Nefertiti and Smenkh-ka-re.

The Sphinx of Naxos, also Sphinx of the NaXians, now in the Archaeological Museum of Delphi is a colossal 2 meter tall marble statue of a sphinx a mythical creature with the head of a woman 650 BC


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