God Thoth and Ancient Egyptian Tutankhamun
Learning from Ahmed Osman and JeShu as TuT-aNX-aMuN Art, Education, Symbols and SignsWriting and Ancient Egyptian Tut-aNX-aMuN
god Thoth (Θώθ) or Djehuti ḏḥwtj
By Nataša Pantović
Writing was believed to have been given to humanity by the Egyptian god Thoth Thōth (Θώθ). Thoth, lord of ritual and of words, is an Egyptian god who gave us writing. Plato mentions Thoth in his dialogue Phaedrus. He says writing is a wonderful substitute for memory, yet it will cause that the future generations will hear much without being properly taught, and will appear wise but not be so. Thoth gave us the ancient Egyptian symbols wisdom of the frequency of the 22 letters and sounds, possibly through the mystical learnings passed through the centuries through the Tarot cards and Kabbala’s Tree of Life.
Museum Louvre Paris France Obélisque de Manishtusu Akkadin Babylon 2370 BC
Another Thoth, the Ancient Egyptian King Tut-ankh-amun and his carved letters, left a deep cultural and scientific impact on the history of European / Arabic writing. His carved letters / books are today known as Amarna Letters and speak of writing as a skill much before 1,400 BC.
In 1887, a local Egyptian woman has uncovered a cache of over 350 stone carved tablets written in cuneiform. From 382 tablets: to be precise, 350 were letters. over 40 of them were discussing legal matters and they speak of the religious reform led by this Egyptian Ruler: to Babylonia, to Assyria, to Mittani, to Arzawa, Alashia and Hatti. Today, these most ancient, carved in stone booklets are scattered in the museums all over the world. Just for the history lovers, the timing does correspond to the timing of Moshes 10 commandments (around 1400 BC). Several letters date back to the rule of Akhenaten’s father, Amenhotep III (1390 – 1353 BC), were among those found at Amarna.
1360 BC Akkadian diplomatic letter found in Tell Amarna diplomatic correspondence between the Egyptian administration and its representatives in Canaan and Amurru during the New Kingdom
Tut-ankh-amun's tomb was discovered in the Valley of the Kings, near Luxor, Egypt, in 1922, by the British archaeologists. It is the only tomb dating from the pharaonic New Kingdom (1550 BC – 1069 BC) to be found intact. The Valley of the Kings is a desolate wasteland utterly devoid of vegetation covered by desert. The tomb of young pharaoh Tut-AnX-Amun was hidden underneath the remains of workmen's huts built during the later Period. Said to “cursed”, his tomb “hid” a secret within its walls. For the superstitious many, “Do not enter, or use your mind, for you will be “cursed””.
Pharaoh Tutankhamun tomb, 18th dynasty East Wall
Writing Amarna Tablets about AΘen from Tut-AXen-aten
Akhenaten (note the possible pronunciation aXeN-aTeN / Nj), 1378 - 1361 BC, was the first Egyptian ruler in history, who has specifically written about Egyptian Gods, a practice usually kept behind the close doors of the temples. The deity called Aten inspired such devotion in Pharaoh Akhanaten that he built a new capital city which he named ‘Horizon of the Aten’ (modern Amarna), dedicated to the AΘen. He spoke of a deity with no image, an omnipotent God/ goddess that emanates aNX, holy spirits, served by all the other Ancient Egyptian Gods, as the ancient saints or angels, who all had their own role in the kingdom of God.
Relief of Akhenaten and Nefertiti under the rays of the sun-god Aten clutching ankhs Egyptian Museum, Cairo
Amarna Letters paint an interesting picture of Ancient Egyptian Ruler-ship but more specifically speak of writing as a practice that was well established during their time. “To the King, My Sun, My God, the Breath of My Life…” This remarkable collection contains requests for gold, offers of marriage, warning of a traitor, and promises of loyalty to the pharaoh – letters of correspondence, all writen in Akkadin. The Amorite tribes from Babylonia, the beginning of the 2,000 BC, used this ancient language structure that had the letters still used in Arabic or with Balkan Slavs – ć, č, š, ž, đ, dž, nj – like in my name Nataša Pantović.
Inside Pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb, 18th dynasty, Ancient Egypt New Kingdom
Ancient Egyptians have introduced a belief in resurrection, and life after death was their big story, so “becoming Osiris” or re-incarnating through Holy Spirit or aNX is on many Ancient Egyptian tomb paintings.
The items always found in the tombs are the ancient Egyptian funerary texts. The text incorporates the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead. As early as 3000 BC, the Royal pyramids contained the Pyramid Texts, carved especially for the pharaoh and as early as 2500 BC the Coffin Texts, developed from the Pyramid Texts were painted on the coffins.
The Ancient Egyptian Negative Confessions
The Ancient Egyptian Negative Confessions written on Temple walls and burial texts were "I have not stolen...", "I have not killed", etc., a letter written to Gods, engraved on Temples walls and prepared as Papyruses 2,000 BC and were equal to "Thou shalt not", the Ten Commandments of Jewish and Christian ethics, later perceived as divine revelation. The Negative Confession was accompanied by a list of protective sounds and symbols that kept souls safe from demons.
Ahmed Osman about Tut-Ankh-Amun Trinity and Jesus
A historian, lecturer, researcher and author, Ahmed Osman is a British Egyptologist born in Cairo who published three books: Stranger in the Valley of the Kings (1987), Moses: Pharaoh of Egypt (1990) and The House of the Messiah (1992) says that Tut-Ankh-Amun had a very similar “story” to Jesus.
“In the tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amun (*note the name TuT aNX aMN) there is a unique scene, not found in any other Egyptian burial, representing the Trinity of Christ. As I stood alone, gazing at the painting of the burial chamber on the north wall, I realized for the first time that I was looking at the strongest pictorial evidence linking Tutankhamun and Christ.” He tells us.
“The painting is divided into three separate scenes… It was the ultimate scene on the left of the north wall, however, that aroused my wonder. Here I saw three different representations of Tutankhamun linked as one person. On the left of the scene stood Tutankhamun as the risen Osiris, with a second Tutankhamun facing him as the ruling king, Horus. Behind him is a third Tutankhamun depicted as his Ka.” Ka is Soul.
Pharaoh Tutankhamun Tomb, Ancient Egypt 18th dynasty North Wall
“The most remarkable feature of this scene is the fact that the risen Osiris, although shown in the conventional mummified form with his hands folded across his chest, is reaching out to touch Horus, as is his Ka. Thus we have Tutankhamun as father, son and spirit — the same relationship that we find in the Christian Trinity of the three persons in one God — Father, Son and Holy Spirit — finally established as orthodox belief after much acrimonious debate during the first four centuries of the Christian era.”
Osman explains "Until the end of the fourth century AC Christian pilgrims came to Egypt and the Christian cross was the Key of Life, the ANX. Christianity was the last phase of the Osirian Cult. Resurrection is originally an Egyptian concept. Indeed, resurrection was the central focus of Egyptian religion."
Winged scarab of Tutankhamun with semi-precious stones. This pectoral is composed of Tut's Prenomen name: "NebKheperU-Ra", the hieroglyphs of: Basket, Scarab-(in Plural-strokes), and Re.
Deus, θεὸς, Gott, or Bog, or NeBo
In Ancient Mediterranean God was called variants of Deus, θεὸς, in others of Gott, or of Bog, or of NeBo thus defining the Romance, Germanic and Slavic language families. As early as the sixteenth century, European priests had noticed similarities between Sanskrit and European languages. But, Sanskrit was knocked from its pedestal as the original mother tongue by the professionals. So this left us with Akkadian as one of the most ancient...
Pharaoh Tutankhamuns tomb, 18th dynasty South Wall
Gospel of John found in Egypt 200 AC
in the oldest preserved Gospel of John found in Egypt 200 AC we hear the famous:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…”
Following the Ancient Greek Yonic pronunciation we read:
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.
En arkhêi ên ho lógos kaì ho lógos ên pròs tòn theón kaì theòs ên ho lógos.
N aRČe / aRXe + H ἦν (NjM) H LoGoS, kaì ho lógos ἦν pròs tòn θεόn, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.
* πρὸς *prosi – in Slavic “say” τὸν *sound (in Slavic “ton”, meaning “sound”)
θεόν, θeoN, and θεὸς ἦν *god / goddess
oN, thought to be a name of Osiris is also a symbol for Gold Pythagoras gave the name of Monad (1) to God, and Dyad (2) to matter. The first and highest aspect of God is described by Plato as the One. The Monad (indescribable) emanated the Demiurge (Tao, Consciousness, and Transcendent Source) or the creator. Plotinus who is noted as the founder of Neoplatonism metaphorically identified the Demiurge as the Greek God Zeus θεuς.
Ancient Egyptian creation myths appear first in the Pyramid Texts, tomb wall decorations and writings, dating back to the Old Kingdom 2780 BC – 2250 BC.
The world had arisen out of the lifeless waters of chaos, called Nu, NoĆ in Slavic. The god Nu had his female counterpart Nun.et (NuT) represented as the inert primeval water itself; male HuH and his female counterpart Huh.et represented space, H of the AlaH; Kek and Kauk.et disperse the darkness with knowledge; and Amun and Amaun.et represented its hidden nature (Amin, Amen, Amon or perhaps ἦν).
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