Chemistry of Love
from Tree of Life Who we are, Spirituality, Power of Mind, Relationships, Mindfulness, Self Development Course, Art, defaultTree of Life
Chemistry of Love
"Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn't, it is of no use." – Carlos Castaneda

If you are anything like me, even just a mention of words: falling in love, love and sex will inspire the motion of the magic potion of Oxytocin (Greek: ōkytokínē, meaning ‘quick birth’) in your brain.
Join the crowd of all of us, mortals, artists, poets, spiritual teachers, singers, all, that try their very best to understand this amazing mix that keeps our eyes sparkling, our hearts warm, and our relationships healthy.
Applying the law of attraction (you will attract into your life whatever you focus on) to the subject of spiritual relationship, we all dream to move into the space of abundance of [[tt tag="love" ], abundance of passion and abundance of understanding. However, we are so heavily conditioned by the concept of soul-mates and tied within ferry-tales subconscious chains that we find it difficult to clearly observe What is love, and the above drive somehow manages to escape our focus and sometimes even manages to miss our lives.
Chemistry of Love: Falling in Love
Conscious Relationships: How to Train Love
Oxytoxin: Your Magic Love Hormon
So, if exploring relationships as a spiritual path is your quest too, let’s together try to unveil Venus and gain some more insights into her enchantment. Let’s look at her purely scientifically, observing the chemical changes that occur within our bodies while we love or are in love, let’s have a quick glance at the studies that explore the laboratory of our brain.
Let us first meet Oxytocin, a hormone and neurotransmitter, also known as the ‘love hormone’. Oxytocin is linked to the feelings of love, empathy, and connection to others, it makes us feel content, it encourages human bonding, and trust. The primary conscious behaviour that increases oxytocin is caring for another.
In 2003, a study showed that oxytocin levels in the blood increases after a session of cuddling; oxytocin is involved in the initiation of maternal behaviour inducing labour and milk ejection; oxytocin spikes up just after an orgasm and it actually causes spontaneous erections in rats. So it is no wonder that after making love, with the level of oxytocin in our blood, we believe we can not live without our partner, we bond with him/her, and we have cravings for the person.
We all form similar deep connections with our loved ones. Oxytocin is the chemical reason behind the love induced behaviours, but it also shapes our health and our happiness - it is said that people with pets tend to recover more quickly from illness, that married people tend to live longer, that love can heal drugs addictions...
True Love vs Falling in Love
Falling in love calls forth a mix of neuro-chemicals, including oxytocin's bonding effects. Falling in love also calls forth the Lady Lust that is our craving for sex.
A study of brain activity in 2000 examined students that were madly in love scanning their brains. The interesting finding was that ‘love’, in its euphoria, uses the same neural mechanisms activated during taking drugs. Remember, those feelings of excitement, butterflies in your stomach, the intrusive & somewhat obsessive thoughts about the loved ones... Some analysts suggests that the actual behavioural patterns of those ‘in love’ resemble obsessive compulsive disorder :)
Training Love Spiritual Quotes
Love and falling in love are independent mechanisms and can work independently or simultaneously. It is no news that a human can have a loving and understanding relationship with his long-term partner, while feeling lust or romantic love for someone else. Most people act this scenario with a heap of confusion, jealousy, and adultery that leads to divorce.
A normal relationship pattern is for couples to fall in love, get together, promise they will love each other forever, and after 5-10 years end up getting bored of each other. Unfortunately, over time, the roller coaster of highs and lows of a relationship creates a distance between partners. Our obsession with day-to-day worries makes us forget the Magic of Love.
Love with its spiritual energy is an amazingly precious energy and within its Blessings we can enter the space of Inner Peace, Passionate Creativity, Sparkling Health, and Life Balance.
Love is the nature's most precious drug that actually shapes how we view the world. The more we spread Love and connect with our surroundings with Love, the more Happiness we bring into our lives.
So what do you think, what is the recipe for Conscious Relationships? My main guess would be: let’s train Love. Let's practice tantra. Let’s exercise carrying. Let’s fall in love, every day, with Life. And yours?

Our philosophers, our poets, our scientists, tell us that the formula of our Universe is Love, governed by Venus.
What is Unconditional Love
Tree of Life True Story
The Tree of Life is a journey through many true life stories interwoven into the make-up of our souls’ journey within the planet Earth. Starting with Maya of Power, and a visit to the Field of Dreams, discovery of the Alchemy of Soul, deeper understanding of “Ubuntu” that: a person is only a person through their relationship to others, ascending and descending the magic Spiral to enter Wu Wei, the action with no action, the Path of Divine Intentions.
Tree of Life in various interpretations, within myths, and as a mystical concept represents the interconnections of all life on our beautiful planet. The book starts with an invitation to a Tantric Ball within the Field of Dreams.
We journey through Scotland, and visit Findhorn, a spiritual group that during the last 40 years experiments with more enlightened community living. We travel from Serbia to Cambridge to Maltese temples, from Nairobi to Addis Abeba in Ethiopia. Visit Lamu in Kenya that full of rich drug addicts, and find out why Nuit chose to define the humanity’s strongest limiting belief as: “We need suffering to grow.”
What happens when your country collapses, when you stay without your soul-mate and when your soul’s quest is against your life path! How to listen to inner messages that at times feel completely irrational?
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