Ravi Shankar
light a candle for Ravi Shankar Mantras, Quotes, default, meditationChanting Mantras
Ravi Shankar: Light a Candle
Let his soul rest in peace
Ravi Shankar or Pandit, an Indian legend, a superb musician and composer and a wonderful sitar player died on the 11th December 2012.
This page is Ravi Shankar's tribute.
Light a candle for his soul...
About Ravi Shankar
‘Ravi Shankar has brought me a precious gift. Through him I have added a new dimension to my experience of music - one which belongs to all great music, including our own, but which, along with so much that should remain inspired and intuitive, is blueprinted out of our world. But to young people, who their mind and heart to Ravi Shankara's art, he has made sense and brought order out of chaos, for he has restored the fundamental and supreme value of dedicated work, of self-control, of faith and of the value of living.' Yehudi Menuhin
'Ravi Shankar’s musical mind is incredible. It is like a volcano of energy and infinite possibility- ready to move at any time in any direction, and yet with the poise and balance of a composer like Mozart. Ravi Shankar has taught me much about the power of music. Perhaps most importantly in this age of technology I have learnt an appreciation of music’s universal context, its magical, non-materialistic power drawn from ancient roots deep within the human psyche.' 'David Murphy
'Perhaps the most striking aspect today of World Music is the breadth and the depth of its (Ravi Shankar's) influence. In the West at least (and I think it goes farther), its influence can be felt not only in art and experimental errant music, but in popular music and jazz as well. I only have to mention the Beatles, John Coltrane and countless other who have learnt from him and benefited from his teaching. I certainly count myself among those whose musical bearing was forever changed by him.' Philip Glass
Chanting: Ravi Shankar most amazing videos:
Mystical Traditions and Metaphysics of Sound
Ravi Shanar quotes
Ravi Shankar's Quotes on Music - January 2009
'How does one put the spiritual significance of music on paper? Music transcends all languages and barriers and is the most beautiful communicative skill one can have. Music makes us all experience different emotions or the Navarasa as we call it. Different types of music, whether it is vocal or instrumental, Eastern or Western, Classical or Pop or folk from any part of the world can all be spiritual if it has the power to stir the soul of a person and transcend time for the moment. It makes one get goose-bumps in the body and mind and equates the highest mental orgasm and the release of grateful tears!'
Ravi Shankar Excerpts from a Conversation, June 2007
'There are only two kinds of music; good and bad. Music appreciation is very personal depending on the person's age, experience, knowledge and background.
It is very important that our government introduces classical music, dance and other art forms on a compulsory basis right from the kindergarten level. We need a conservatory of music and music colleges. I wish all the millionaires and billionaires in India would contribute something to the art of their country. I am not condemning any type of music but when the whole world comes to see and visit India, it’s the incredible tradition of this wonderful country that attracts them. Superior quality always wins and lasts.'
Download a Guide to Chanting Mantras with Best Chords
Singing devotional songs or mantras could be truly a mystical and a mysterious experience
We sing devotional songs with deep feelings, and full faith, letting the transcendental beauty, and qualities represented within the words enter our souls. The Guide to Chanting Mantras is an AoL Mindfulness Training Book 6, published by Artof4elements, author: Goce NikolovskiLearn about the spiritual meanings of mantras, how to chant mantras and meditate, and enjoy our choice of best world mantras, their chords and lyrics. Enjoy your journey!
Om Mani Padme Hum - Mantra for Achieving Buddhahood
A mantrais a word or sound that is repeated, during meditation. Mantras are considered capable of creating transformation of energy / vibration into divine qualities
Hare Krishna Mantra devoted to Krishna
Hare Krishna is a Hindhu Maha (Great) Mantra devoted to Krishna.
In order to purify the consciousness and spiritualize the senses, Hare Krishna followers practice different forms of devotional service. One of these is chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra. Singing words of mantras, prayers or devotional songs we become the transcendental vibration of the sound that we repeat, and we become pure love and joy...
Sacred Chants Of Shiva
Singing mantras and sacred chants of Siva frees us from all our karma.
It is Siva who causes bondage and who made Maya (Illusion). It is Siva who makes us realise our essential Divine Nature. Siva created the idea of egoism, Karma, pleasure and pain. It is Siva who offers Moksha or freedom. Om and Siva are one.
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