Self Development Course Program
AoL European Mindfulness PQ, Self Development Course, defaultOnline Life Coaching
AoL Self-Development Courses Program
12 Modules to Deeply Understand Your Soul
by Natasa Pantovic
AoL Courses: Mindful Being and Conscious Parenting: 12 Weeks full of Consciousness Reserch using 100s of Personal Development Transformation Tools
Why European Mindfulness video
In European Mindfulness process we are connecting our individual stories with collective story bringing to our senses this model of collaboration in which we all have equal voice, even goals.
According to Greek creation myths Chaos (Greek: χάος, khaos) is the initial "gap" created by the original separation of heaven and earth. This disorder is beginning of creation, place to search for inspiration.
In modern world Chaos is a gap in creativity, disharmony between science and art, rational and irrational, the world of reason and the world of emotions, the gap we are trying to bridge, to unite by our organization.
Why European Mindfulness?
Variety of religious and spiritual movements, such as Yoga, or the New Thought use “mindfulness” for spiritual growth and development. Such an ancient concept in Europe, an innate quality known in Ancient Greece as “Pure Reason” or with Egyptians as “heart-mind” or “Intelligence of the Heart” going back to Ancient Egyptian Babylon’s philosophy, or Ancient Greek Plato’s Soul’s Eye that is purified “for it is by it alone that we contemplate the truth.”, the naming of God’s idea of Pythagoras Music of the Spheres., the mystical practices of Balkan’s Slavs, or Ancient Maltese or Cyprus, or Olimp temple worshipping rituals. In her NET TV Interview Nataša Pantović explains how from the point of view of psychology, meditation, art and music induce altered states of consciousness.
The course material is available for immediate download as a pdf file.
So what’s inside Alchemy of Love Courses: Conscious Parenting and Mindful Being?
Module 1: Your Body
- Discover more about yourself and your own physical world examining your relationship towards your body, its nutrition and exercise.
- Create a Dreamed Healthy Weekly Menu & Exercise Regime
Your Attitude Towards Body
Tools that we are using: Commitment Contract, Happiness Test Self Development Observation Exercise, Personality Questionnaires, Dream Healthy Menu, Conscious Jog
To hear Module 1 AoK Videos and Audios
Module 2: Your Home
- Your home is an extension of your Being. Your home is a reflection of your state of mind.
- Implement easy Feng Shui Tips for a healthier and happier surrounding.
Your Home
The tools that we will be using are: Personality Questionnaires, Feng Shui, Conscious Use of Colours
Module 3: Your Thinking Patterns
- Learn how to make use of the power of your conscious and unconscious mind. Look into your conscious and sub-conscious addictions, identify your strengths and weaknesses.
- Train your Willpower, Understand your Thoughts, Transform your Anger
Your Thinking Patterns
Transformation tools used within this module work with the Power of Conscious and Subconscious Mind with Willpower Training Circle of Activities Your Mandala Meditation What is Meditation? Transforming Your Thoughts Attack Transforming Your Anger
Module 4: Time Wasters
- Often we waste time unconsciously and we need to apply a conscious effort to record this time and activities, so that we become aware of the wasters of our life
Your Time / Life Wasters
Trannsformation tools used are Persoanlity Questionnaires, Master Your Daily Habits Exercises
Module 5: Free Your Mind
- Train Mindfulness, Understand Beauty, Work with Emptiness
- We will help you examine your world of feelings and emotions. Understand and Protect your Feelings, Exercise Awareness, Practice Virtues
Be Mindful Start Your Soul’s Diary Learn Meditation as the simplest, and easiest way to access mental and spiritual energies and improve your physical well-being and health… Practice Virtues
Module 6: Your Core Beliefs
- Your enemy within are your core negative beliefs. Negative beliefs hide from the consciousness and they get exposed by the magic of mindfulness and awareness.
Explore Your Core Beliefs, Challenge Existing Beliefs, Start Your Dreams Diary and work on other Mindfulness Exercises.
Module 7: Relationships
We will help you examine your relationships, your ability to love and tune into your-own and other people’s wants and needs
Explore your relationships patterns, introduce changes, explore the Meaning of True Love, Design Your Relationship Plan.
Module 8: Your Greater Surroundings
- We live in our Greater Surrounding. Our capability for love grows and expands into our surroundings – Earth, animals, plants, our neighbours, strangers…
Explore Service as Virtue, Explore Activities that contect you with Mother Earth, animals and other being on Earth.
Module 9: Your True Dreams
- Turn away from your dream and it will come back to you. Follow your dream and it will give you a tremendous amount of pleasure and learning.
Discover Your True Dreams, write Your Soul's Diary
Module 10: Your True Goals
- Identify your True Goals and Actions to achieve them… Listen to your Heart and follow your Mind!
- What are Your True Goals, What is your Perfect Life Scenario, Design Your Personal Development Plan
Module 11: Spirituality
- We examine Spirituality and Spiritual Development across the ages. What is Karma? What is Alchemy? What is Yoga?
What is Spiritual Diary? Create Your Spiritual Diary
Module 12: Spirituality and You
- We examine Spirituality and Spiritual Development that interest you.
Divine Focus, List of Recommended Books, Live Alchemy of Love
The Course Videos and Presentations: Alchemy of Love Courses Video Journey
To download Mindfulness Training Content Pdf
To view the content, main principles and 1st Module of our Self-Development Course, all the exercises, tasks, and course material are now available
Free for You to Download
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