Why Conscious Parents
How to Be More Loving Parent Who we are, Education, Power of Mind, Mindfulness, Self Development Course, ArtWhy Conscious Parents or How to Be a More Loving Parent?
an Excerpt from Conscious Parenting Mindful Living Course for Parents (AoL Book #5) by Nataša Nuit Pantović
Because the world belongs to our children and we are their soil, their water, their air... If we are full of love, understanding, and wisdom, our children will grow into free and inspired adults.

The parenting IS the most difficult job in the world
The art of parenting is extremly complicated. There are many variables that influence our kids growth and development and parents wish to understand them all.
As any true and deep life experience, the parenting experience catches us unprepared. No matter how many books we have read and how many baby-sitting nights we spent with our best friend's kids, the child still surprises us with all that happens within its growth. Our learning curve improves with the second child and by the third one we are almost ready to start doing it right. However, we have no time for too many mistakes and our little ones are too precious for costly experiments.
The magic Generation Gap we all know about from our parents, and trouble they had with our growth and development, might be the reason for our major parenting troubles. With longer life, healthier bodies, and busier life-styles we no longer have children at 20, but at 30s and around 40. This fact further deepens the generation gap within us and our little ones.
A million dollars question is: how do we still work on self development increasing Love, Understanding, Wisdom even though the art of parenting is so complicated? How do we become more loving parents?
Art of Parenting or Conscious Parenting
It is possible to get the art of parenting RIGHT
Our children need our Love, need our support and need our sanity within this amazing matrix of choices we live in. They need us to guide them towards healthy foods, healthy habits, inspiring activities, life enriching friends, etc.
It is easy for parents to lose themselves in PARENTING RESPONSIBILITY, in day to day tasks, in screams of demanding children, within the piles of shit of their babies, within PARENTING RULES they are supposed to follow and within PARENTING ROLES they are supposed to play. It is easy for parents to lose the connection with Her Majesty Love. A harsh or sceptical parent can easily subdue the life force of the child. An energy of a warm, gentle, loving parent will be absorbed unconsciously into the new forming mind that will so gain and maintain a deep devotion to Life.
Check some of our Self-development tools - Spiritual Diary
I keep on saying to my children: I wish to be a kind, understanding and loving parent to you! Please help me do it!
The struggles, traumas, and complications, a parent needs to go through in the role of a Parent are significant but the love, connection, and beauty that flows through the deep relationship we have with our kids is also amazing.
It is important not to give up, get discouraged, or forget that we can aim to reach our highest potential even surrounded with screams, buttered with no sleep, exhausted with the utter lack of privacy, utter lack of space for one-self, constantly challenged with various demands (for more and more chocolate, for more and more TV, for more and more games, for more and more expensive gifts, for more and more and more…).
It is possible to get it RIGHT if we stick to the very basic principle of Self-Development and Spiritual Growth: encouraging within our children a strong capacity for feeling, reach soulexperiences, with a capacity for strong mental growth and a potential for strong willpower.
The role of consciousness within Parenting and Generation Gap Analysis
Generation Gap Analysis Download
The analyses compares your's your children's physical, mental and emotional states throughout your children growth and development.
'Conscious Parenting' or Spiritual Parenting will be a natural result of your decission to start working on your Parenting Self-Development. Let the Consciousness be Your Guide.
Spirituality and Parenting Video
Conscious Parenting
Children need Rhythm, Routine and Structure, they need Daily Plan of Activity, Weekly Plan, Monthly Plan, Yearly Plan, and even though this might sounds boring, the Routine is the one to give them stability and security. Learning how to define True Goals and Dreams and Priorities we avoid missing on REALLY important activities and mile-stones of our life.
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