Artof4Elements is an Ancient Worlds and Consciousness Research Publisher
AoL publishes books, audio, and video materials in the areas of Ancient Worlds, Comparative Religion, Symbolism, Spirituality and Art, Inner Alchemy, and Applied Psychology. We have published the AoL Mindfulness Series of 9 fiction and non-fiction books by 7 authors focusing on personal growth, creativity and research into higher states of consciousness. A series of many genre's, including poetry, personal development, historical fiction, the world of ''AoL Mindfulness'' explores numerous self development topics...
AoL (Art of eLements) Research into Mysticism Art and Ancient Worlds. Applied Psychology & Philosophy from Tao to Neo-Platonism to Jung to deeper understand Intuitive Wisdom & Pure Ratio. In search of Language of God exploring symbols & sound frequencies
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4, Holly Wood, St Albert,
GZR 1157 Gzira, Malta
Meet our Authors
Cristine Cutajar, Art of 4 ElementsInterview with Christine Cutajar |
Jason Lu, Art of 4 Elements Interview with Jason Lu |
Jeni Caruana, Art of 4 Elements, Spiritual Poetry Book |
Olivera Rosić, Mindful Eating with Raw Vegan RecipesInterview with Olivera Rosic Author |
Mirjana Musulin, A Guide to Mindful EatingWhy Food for Health? Interview with Author |
Ivana Milosavljević, Conscious ParentingWhy Self-Development for Parents? |
Nataša Pantović |
We have designed for you the AoL Mindfulness Training Series: