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Entries on this site with 'article'

  • Cuneiform tablets or ancient printing press 4000 BC
    art  by  Nataša Pantović The origins of cuneiform may be traced back approximately to the end of the 4000  BC . At that time the Sumerian carved  pictographic tablets in U
  • Zhuangzi (369 BC - 286 BC) Quotes
    art  by  Nataša Pantović The  Zhuangzi  is an ancient Chinese text that is one of the two foundational texts of Taoism, alongside the Tao Te Ching. It was written during t
  • Sigmund Freud Quotes
    article by Nataša Pantović Have just participated in  Reading Class on Sigmund Freud's classic Civilisation and its Discontents with Gail Debono. Sigmund Freud was an Aust
  • Celebrating the Human Form Debut Exhibition
    art by Nataša Pantović Saħħara’s Tethered is a debut photography exhibition presented in Splendid Gallery located in Strait Street in Valletta. Sahhara’s selection of twen
  • Acting Competition Show on TVM
    art by Nataša Pantović "The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays wi
  • Urban Symphonies
    art Urban Symphony investigated the continuum of harmony and disharmony in the urban environment of Valletta, The performance has comprised of movement, voice and musical
  • Egyptian stelae 1,800 BC excavated in Malta in 1829 are from Egypt
    In 1829, four Egyptian stelae dated 1,800 BC were found on Malta During the excavations for the foundations of the hospital in 1829, four Egyptian stelae came to light. Th
  • A Brief History of Poetry
    Poetry as an oral art form is the oldest form of expression by Nataša Pantović The use of rythm, repetition, and hypnosis by shamans and politicians from around the planet
  • Ancient Ritual King Carni-val
    Carnival  art   symbols   by  Nataša Pantović Carnival in the Middle Ages took not just a few days, but the period between Christmas and Lent. In those two months, of wint
  • A visit to the Rijksmuseum Holland
    The Rijksmuseum art by  Nataša Pantović In every museum what gives it its heart, mind and soul is its permanent collection. If you wish to know what a museum is really abo
  • R Gallery Malta Exhibition: AWOL
    art  by  Nataša Pantović In her press release for “AWOL” the gallery’s first group show at R Gallery, in Sliema, Malta, one of the curators Helena Staelens  provides us wi
  • Blitz Valletta with the School of Narrative Dance
    art  by  Nataša Pantović The open call to participate was available on Blitz’s website and social media.   The event featured participants of every age and background, art
  • Blat – The Island Fortress
    art  by  Nataša Pantović Even though an opera is a theatrical form expressed within the theatre environment for centuries, the opera film is a rather new form of art. Unti
  • ĊIKLU as a youth-for-youth stage production at Malta Manuel Theatre
    art  by  Nataša Pantović It perhaps takes a special kind of courage to perform at Malta’s National Theatre, Manuel Theatre, built in 1731 by the Knights of St. John, in on
  • Mystery of lost European civilisation
    Art  and Mysticism of Ancient European  god s and consciousness explorations by  Nataša Pantović On the autumn morning just after the full moon of the Equinox month, in th
  • Ark of the Covenant and the Obelisk at Axum in Ethiopia
    The Obelisk of Axum (ሓወልቲ ኣኽሱም) and  divine Ark of the Covenant Wisdom of Gods Ancient #Art by Nataša Pantović The Obelisk of Axum (ሓወልቲ ኣኽሱም) is a 400 AC, 24 metre obelis
  • Aristotle Macedonian 380 BC and Christianity St Albert 1270 AC
    Aristotle Macedonian 380 BC and The Political Brain by  Nataša Pantović Just went to a philosophy sharing group  by Professor Matt Qvortrup from Coventry University UK and
  • The Mystery of the Rosetta Stone
    The Ancient Egyptian Rosetta Stone art and Mysticism of Ancient Egyptian god s and consciousness explorations by Nataša Pantović You have all heard of the conquest of Alex
  • God Thoth and Ancient Egyptian Tutankhamun
    Writing and Ancient Egyptian Tut-aNX-aMuN god  Thoth (Θώθ) or  Djehuti  ḏḥwtj  By Nataša Pantović Writing was believed to have been given to humanity by the Egyptian god T
  • The First Musical Composition
    The Seikilos epitaph is carved in marble stele dated 100 AC from Ancient Greece Did you know that the Seikilos epitaph is carved in marble stele, or a column, with poetry
  • Ankh
    The Ankh Symbols and Signs by Nataša Pantović The ancient  art  and  symbols  of Ancient Egypt Ankh, loved and despised by many, have you ever wondered why... An ancient E
  • The Art of Dying Well from Jung to Egypt to Malta
    The Art of Dying, Jung about Psyche, Dreams and Death Ancient Worlds Rituals  Symbols and Signs  by  Nataša Pantović Sleeping Lady from Hypogeum Malta Temples 3,500 BC … d
  • Ancient Greek Numbers and their Symbols
    The Ancient Greek Numerical System Pythagoras   Symbols Numbers  and Tetractys by  Nataša Pantović The divine number, the holy holy Tetractys, we find as a symbol expressi
  • Sumerian Temple Hymns
    High Priestess Enheduanna and the Kesh Temple Liturgy Following Humanity's fight for  enlightenment  by Nataša Pantović Holy water and the sacred word, that is all you nee
  • Dionysus in Neolithic Europe
    Ancient Balkans  and god Dionysus Cult Symbols and Signs  Research by  Nataša Pantović The so called sacred topography of the Balkans, the northern frontier of the Roman E
  • Goddess Axen and Athena
    Goddess aXen / Athena and Ancient Egyptian Amarna Heresy Ancient Scripts De-Coding  Symbols and Signs  research by  Nataša Pantović Belief in one God in Ancient Egypt know
  • The First Language
    In Search of the Mother Tongue Script of Neolithic Shamans  Research by  Nataša Pantović The Archeological Hacilar Settlement of Neolithic Europe dated to 6,000 BC and the
  • Script of Neolithic Shamans
    Researching  Ancient Egypt Rosetta Stone  and Slavic Cyrilic  Symbols and Signs  Research by  Nataša Pantović Going back to the Egyptian civilization, the ruler of the Med
  • Sacred Mount Sinai or SHaRa
    Jabal, ShaRa or Sinai Ancient Sacred Ground Symbols and Signs  Research by  Nataša Pantović Jabal, ShaRa or Sinai mountain was always considered particularly sacred JaBaL
  • Ancient Egypt Rosetta Stone
    Ancient Egypt Sound Č (of Grčka or Greece, mačka or cat, China, or Chill, or Tao Te Ching) Frequencies Symbols and Signs  Research by  Nataša Pantović Researching Ancient
  • 21 Symbols Stamps of Neolithic European Archeological Findings
    Neolithic European  wisdom , symbols and  Sound Frequences found in 21 divine Sounds within our Languages Symbols and Signs  Research by  Nataša Pantović Around one hundre
  • Mysticism or Magic in Art of Dali
    Learning about sub- consciousness and art from Jung and Dali by Nataša Pantović Within us we carry a kind of artistic memory which transcends cultures, the national border
  • The Oldest European Town dated 9,000 BC
    by  Nataša Pantović Amazon Link In the course of human evolution, people learned to live together, first in small isolated groups, than in larger communities and some of t
  • Reconsidering Transcendence in Art
    Reconsidering Transcendence and  spirituality in art Spiritual Quotes by Nataša Pantović “Beauty is the word that shall be our first. Beauty is the last thing which the th
  • The Mystery of Babylon Tower
    Confusion of Sounds and Babylon by  Natasa Pantović Freely recording / researching our religious practices and comparing our mystical experiences is a very new experience.
  • The God Vibration
    Following "H" through Ancient Civilizations as Sound of divine and Cosmic Vibrations by Natasa Pantović The sound frequency and the use of symbols within our mystical spir
  • Wisdom of Gods
    Ancient Mediterranean Cultures and Advanced Civilizations by  Nataša Pantović The Tao of Logos During the past 50 / 100 years , more and more archeological and art finding
  • El Ra Ma
    Supreme God and Sound Frequency Chanting Mantras by  Nataša Pantović The philosophical research concerning the divine and consciousness poses the question: Is there a mean
  • The Tao of Logos
    by  Nataša Pantović In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.
  • New Consciousness and Group Dynamics
    New consciousness & Subconsciousness of Group Dynamics Learning from Prometheus and Titans, Ancient Greek art by Nataša Pantović The subconscious material or mind chitta h
  • Learning from Bees and Castas in India
    Super Sisters Bees Eusociality consciousness Evolution by Nataša Pantović Eusociality, from Greek εὖ eu "good", is the highest level of organization of animal sociality, f
  • Esoteric teachings of Golden Citizens of Ancient Greece
    Ancient Greek Philosophers 400 BC – 200 AC Closer to Truth closer to God s and their wisdom by Nataša Pantović Treading the path of the development of Human Thought, givin
  • Babylon Mysticism
    Babylon Mysticism and art 2,000 BC Amorites and North Africa's Advanced Civilizations Following Humanity's fight for enlightenment You must have heard of Babylon, the city
  • Humanity’s Drive for Goodness and Gypsis
    Who are Gypsis and why should we care by Nataša Pantović Can Human Nature with its profoundly caring and loving side abandon we vs. they behavior patterns and learn from G
  • Esoteric Teachings of Ripley’s Scrolls
    Esoteric Christian art 17 th century Ripley's Alchemy Scrolls by Nataša Pantović Respecting the knowledge of Alchemists, within this dynamic orphic, hermaphrodite Universe
  • Muslims are Christians
    Free Mind Have you ever read Koran? Perhaps this is not a book that you keep on the top of your reading pile, but while browsing through an old books section of my favorit
  • Positive Parenting
    Our Children Articles Positive Parenting: Mindful Parenting in Action Mindful Parenting starts with a simple mindfulness truth that we are not alone within our parenting b
  • Mindfulness and New Consciousness
    Free Mind Articles Mindfulness and New Consciousness Promises of Mindfulness The  mindfulness  crowd, people practicing meditation , working with alternative healing metho
  • What is Your Tree Sign
    Symbols and Signs What is your Tree Sign Tree Magic Trees were respected since the beginning of time. Different cultures acknowledged the magic powers within ancient trees
  • Cultivate Creativity
    Cultivate Creativity Using Poetry as Spiritual Tool We intuitively use Poetry to Heal or express Joy! Cultivate Creativity and Divine Flow All throughout our history, cult
  • Children Development Tips
    Our Children Kids Development Tips Respect the Uniqueness of Your Child Every child  is an incarnated soul with a different growth rate and with a potential ithat s varied
  • Practice Conscious Parenting
    Practice Conscious Parenting 7 Main Tips: How to Practice Conscious Parenting by Nataša Pantović (Author of Conscious Parenting ) 1. Respect for Conscious Relationships Wh
  • Spiritual Journey
    Spiritual Journey through Alchemy of Love Also see -  Using Poetry as Spiritual Tool  We intuitively use Poetry to Heal or express Joy! Spiritual Journey is a most amazing
  • 111hz
    111 Hz and Healing with Sound an Excerpt from  Spiritual Symbols with Their Meanings Book  (AoL Book #8) by  Nataša Pantović Sound Therapy in Ancient Temples from Spiritua
  • Human Brain and Technology
    Negative Effects of Technology on Children, Society and Relationships Inspired or Lost within Technology Matrix We live surrounded by an increasingly complex matrix of imp
  • Power of Mind
    Powers of Mind Power of Unconscious mind and Success What we 'think' and what we 'believe'  are the two main things that decide whether we will succeed or not in our proje
  • What is Unconditional Love?
    What is Unconditional #Love?   Unconditional Love and Happiness Our philosophers , our poets, our scientists, tell us that the  formula of our Universe is love , governed
  • Sex and Long Term Relationships
    Tree of Life Sex and Long Term Relationships Initially, winning a partner with the most desirable genes was one of the reasons why we went out to seek partner and why we o
  • Relationship and Sexual Hygiene
    Love and Sex Relationship and Sexual Hygiene Sexual hygiene and honeymoon of falling in love How many young couples during the ‘honeymoon’ days of falling in love and at t
  • Will we learn from Finland
    Our Children Will we learn from Finland? Educational Lessons from Finland Test oriented culture One of the unfortunate limitations of test-oriented education is that if ou
  • Chemistry of Love
    Tree of Life Chemistry of Love "Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the pa
  • Sexual Evolution
    Love and Sex Spiritual Sexual Evolution: Cultural Revolution Still to Happen Love  & Sexual Revolution Love and Sex Back in Time What is back in time? Back in time, only j
  • Spiral of Life
    Symbols and Signs Trinity Symbol in World's Religions, an Excerpt from Spiritual Symbols Book The principle of trinity is found in all the world’s religions. Spiral of Lif
  • Art of 4 Elements Discover Alchemy through Poetry
    Art of 4 Elements | Discover Alchemy through Poetry  The Art of 4 Elements is a  poetry and art   book Could be found at Amazon  Art of 4 Elements ,  Art of 4 Elements Boo
  • Brain and its Magic
    Magic of Human Brain Albert Einstein   ‘ I must be willing to give up what I am, in order to become what I will be. ’ A human brain is truly extraordinary A healthy brain
  • Divergent Thinking
    Divergent Thinking as an Essence of Creativity Free Mind  Divergent thinking is essential for creativity and for What is creativity? . It is the ability to see lots of pos
  • Schools that inspire children to learn
    For the Love of Learning Conscious Parenting Course  towards Conscious Living by Nataša Pantović Conscious Parenting Book Excerpt: Inspiring Children to Learn Education an
  • Internet and privacy. Is a Marketing Big Brother Always Watching
    Business Articles Internet and Privacy Is a marketing Big Brother always watching? Ethical Internet Marketing Online ads can build awareness and influence the decision-mak
  • Best practice for engaging customers online
    Business Articles Best practice for engaging customers online Customer Engagement and  Alchemy of on-line Marketing In an ideal world the  marketing cyclle will start with
  • Forget pushy tactics in social media
    Business Articles Forget pushy tactics in social media Social Media strategy and trust A key element that makes social media trustworthy is that it represents someone’s si
  • Passionate internet marketing
    Business Articles Passionate Internet Marketing, Nataša Pantović Nuit Magic of Marketing Marketing is not an attitude, it is a mind-set”, I read somewhere recently. An att
  • Taking care of your online karma
    Business Articles Online Reputation Management Taking care of your online karma, Reputation Managememt Benjamin Franklin once said “It takes many good deeds to build a goo
  • Why Water
    Mindful Eating with Delicious Vegan Raw Recipes A book excerpt by Natasa Pantović Why Water? 5 easy tips to improve your drinking water quality Mindful eating strats with
  • Shifting education goals
    How to Help Children Learn Conscious Parenting Course   A book excerpt by Natsa Pantović Nuit One of the biggest problems of education today is that the ‘factory model’ of
  • Education of the future
    Education of the future an Exerpt from  Conscious Parenting Course  by Natasa Pantović “ You may give them your love but not your thoughts , for they have their own though
  • Arts make students smart
    Arts make students smart Kids and Creativity an Exerpt from  Conscious Parenting Course  by  Nataša Pantović Nuit Nurturing Creativity within our Kids Arts , sport , music
  • Creativity or losing fear of being wrong
    Creativity or losing fear of being wrong 9 Most Important Tips to Cultivate Creativity, Conscious Creativity  by Natasa Pantović According to the theory of  left-brain or
  • Art of Four Elements book launch
    Art of 4 Elements Poetry book Art of 4 Elements: Discover Alchemy through Poetry (AoL Mindfulness #2) by Nataša Pantović , Jason Lu, Christine Cutajar, Jeni Caruana „Seate

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art, artist, book, book_launch, consciousness, divine, enlightenment, exhibition, inspirational, interview, motivational, nuit, poem, poetry, spiritual, spirituality

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