4 Elements Wedding Ritual
From the Tree of Life Novel Symbols and Signs, Spirituality, defaultTree of Life
4 Elements Wedding Ceremony
Symbols and Signs
This Wedding Ritual was inspired and created for a dear friend's wedding and it is here to inspire you to create your-own ritual respecting the blessings of 4 elements and the Mother Earth.
Blessings to the Couple
We gathered here to acknowledge and deepen the soul-mate union of these two lovely souls. We are here to support this amazing Twin Flame honouring the Bounty of Life.
May you take steps in trust holding each other through all of your vulnerabilities and learnings, co-creating Life together, opening deeper towards Love, Love that is Wild, Love that is Still.
May Angels give you wisdom to cherish, nurture, and respect one another, choosing trust and honesty above All.
May God give you Strength to resonate with the Song of Life fully honouring the truth of each other.
Mother of Form and the Father of Consciousness Unite within this Sacred Marriage!
Also Check 111Hz Healing with Sound in Ancient Temples
4 Elements Wedding Ritual
Prepare a table with four elements (symbols) placed on it respecting the 4 Directions.
Air = East = Yellow = Rising Sun = Birth
In its highest manifestation Air is symbolised by an Eagle (if you have an Eagle feather use it within the ritual). The air is purified with an incense (a wonderful one is Nag Champa), and you offer your respect to the stage of Birth, asking Sages and Saints to support the Birth of Good and Fruitful Initiatives. A flute creates a magic of sound. The incense is passed around participants.
Fire = South = Red = Life Force Manifestations
Candles are lit, the couple is holding them. Fire in its highest manifestation is Divine Love. Represented by a Lion. The candles are given around to people to hold. We ask Angels to guide our Life Force towards Divine Love.
Water = West = Dark Blue = Emotions = Setting Sun
The couple is holding two vessels with water. They mix the water pouring it from one vessel into the other. You mix into the water some essential oils (good ones representing the element of water are: Jasmine, Rose, Lavender. Pass the vessels around. Water in its highest manifestation is Peace. Dragon is the Symbol of Water's Highest Manifestation. We ask Ancestors to guide us towards Peace.
Earth = North = white = winter = Wisdom of Elders
You have two vessels with sand and you mix them together pouring the sand from one vessel to the other. The elephant represents the eternal strength and a capability to overcome any obstacle.
The highest manifestation of Earth energies is the Land of Plenty. We ask Scientists to help us live within the World of Plenty.
The Central Force
The central force, the force that unites all the elements is Tao, Life Force, the Mother Earth, represented by Green. A green branch is passed along to symbolise Life.
The Tree of Life is the symbol of this Life Force. Passing the branch you say the vows to each other. Passing the branch, the people around say their blessings.
We all say: Mother of Form and the Father of Consciousness Unite within this Sacred Marriage. The couple kisses, the participants surround them within an Universal Hug, and all participants sing AUM or a chosen sacred song.
4 Elements Ritual Wedding Poem
Finding the words to describe this magic ceremony that happened at the Equinox, this poem came to me...
Taking steps in trust, child-full playfulness and joyful peace
Chanting, drumming, humming, dancing at the most Sacred Palace
Resonating with the Song of Life
We touched the Spiral where Forest meets Rivers
Ascending the deepest caves where Stalactites and Stalagmites form Castles
Of Eternal Lovers meditating within the Earth’s Belly
Mirroring What is Below is Above
We were 12 Honorable Guests witnessing the Sacred Marriage
The Mother of Form united with the Father of Consciousness
Asking Sages, Saints to give our Initiatives Fruitfulness
Angels to protect our Fire of Life
Ancestors to guard our Wisdom
Scientists to guide us towards the Land of Plenty
Holding each other’s space, souls’ expression, laughter
We honored the 4 elements letting the Equinox
Flow through the Spiral of our DNAs
Worshiping the Central Force that unites us with the Universe
Becoming a Vessel of Love that is Life
We merged with Tao.
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