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Nataša Pantović LIVE at Malta Poets Society, Dr Rudolf Ragonesi at University Book Festival, NARD 2022

Universty Book Festival Dr Rudolf Ragonesi LIVE launching Spring A Book of Aphorisms  

Malta Book Festival 2022 Dr Rudolf Ragonesi Live Launching Spring A Book of Aphorisms

Malta Book Festival 2022 Nataša Pantović Live Launching Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of the Name of God

University of Malta Book Festival 2022 Nataša Pantović Live Launching the new novel Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of the Name of God

So privileged to be asked by Malta Book Council the Founder of University Book Festival to present my new book on the Ancient Mediterranean history. 🙏🙏 If you are interested in the history beyond the usual, check this exploration of Amarna Letters, better known as Amarna Heresy, a philosophical discussion from Ancient Egypt's Babylon about God Monotheism and Trinity written 3,000 years ago; the ancient History of Egypt and writing, learn about Inanna Poems of the Sumerian High Priestess or about the Macedonian Derveni Papyrus and new Interpretation. Such an awe research of the Ancient Greek Θεοs within the book "Metaphysics of Sound. in Search of the Name of God or a Brief History of the World Beyond the Usual" in Malta.

NARD 2021 

Animal Activists Unite by Natasa Pantovic

Animal Activists Unite! Presented by Nataša Pantović at NARD21 Malta Animal Rights Day 2021, June 06 2021. The Event was organized by a Maltese NGO Animal Liberation Malta in Mosta's most amazing garden with an amphitheater directly facing a sun-set + some most beautiful people from Malta, Macedonia, Japan, Greece, Libya, Italy, Croatia, Serbia, England, and many more countries. What a gathering of young...

NARD 2022 Natasa Pantovic Speech

Unfortunately the LIVE recording of the following speech failed the organizers & stopped after 30sec.., "The fight for conscious living has been with the humankind since the beginning of time. We have an honor to be predecessors of giants like #Pythagoras who 2,500 years ago gave us (Europe) music, mathematics, and the noble vegetarian fight. I will share with you positive stories of conscious people involved in changing the world & good omens: This year, I met a 70 years old conscious artist & farmer when hiking through Serbian hills managing his organic farm (and a community center), next to a stream, as a vegan, mindfully; Blessings to his work!🙏When consulting in the UK, visiting a client, a car in front of me suddenly hit the breaks, with a car behind me causing a chain accident, 4 cars bumped into each other. The cause was a duck with its ducklings crossing the British country road; None of us minded! 🦆☯ After a 100 years volunteers have helped a turtle hatch on a Maltese beach. It took many sleepless nights for this to materialize. Hope she comes back again. 🥰 One of our Authors, a Founder of NGO Gaia has personally planted his 10,000th tree. ✌️👍🤝I call this to be a good OMEN. We can together help Gaia be healthier, & our animals live happier. Let's do it!"

Malta Poets Society Nataša LIVE Valley of the Souls from Art of 4 elements: Discover Alchemy through Poetry for Yogi Paulo found dead at Sea

Malta Poets Society Nataša LIVE Sea-Shell Spirit Wish from Art of 4 elements: Discover Alchemy through Poetry 

Malta Poets Society LIVE May 2022, Nataša Pantović Reading from Art of 4 Elements: Discover Alchemy through Poetry

Nataša Pantović LIVE with Magic Spell from Tree of Life and Dr Rudolf Ragonesi with Spring, A Collection of Aphorisms at the University Book Festival 2022. Music by Norman Cristina.

Why European Mindfulness? with One TV Interview with Nataša & NARD 2021 Speech

Why European Mindfulness? with One TV Interview with Nataša & NARD 2021 Speech


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