Mindfulness Training
Practicing Spirituality as a Life Style Spirituality, Mindfulness, Self Development CourseMindfulness Training
Practicing Spirituality as a Life Style
Often I am asked a curious question that perfectly reflects our 'busy' life-styles, thinking patterns and life habits:
How much of my time the AoL Mindfulness will take?
My answer to this one is usually: 'if you work hard, hopefully you'll manage to finalize it in just a life-time'...
Learning Mindfulness
Learning Mindfulness gives one a gift of experiencing Life fully.
Learning mindfulness brings into one's Life the quality of: Awareness, Awake-fullness, Alertness. It brings into one's Life a possibility to experience Life fully, a possibility to listen to one's Soul, a possibility to tune into the Flow of the Energy of Tao, Energy of Divine Life Force.
Mindfulness and Time for Exercises
Mindfulness is a Spiritual Transformation Tool that works with Mind Training and it just can not be compared with any 'fast food' recipe, or quick 'out of the box' enjoyment technique.
Learning Mindfulness does not take Her Majesty Time away from the Spiritual Traveler.
It gives one the gift of time and it creates space for important impressions.
Allowing oneself to be in Silence How to Meditate, to Be with Nature, to explore various Spiritual Exercises, within the Journey, one dive into every single activity with Mindfulness, respecting the needs of one's Soul, respecting each unique Being, our Mother Earth and our amazing Matrix of Causes and Effects.
Practicing Spirituality as a Life Style
Practicing spirituality is a Life long training, that puts Beauty, Inspiration, and Love on the Pedestal of Life. What is Spirituality

A-MA on Spiritual Growth
Ama is the main protagonist of my historical fiction book and the following is an extract from an interview with Sunday Times A Beautiful Mind:
"In this novel you explore the Age of Enlightenment, and ‘Western’ ancient Greek philosophers. Can you talk about your use of the Eastern concept of ‘mindfulness’ in this context?
There are a number of ‘instant happiness’ gurus out there, I do not believe in a ‘get rich in a day’ message, but I do believe that if we learn how to listen to our soul, we will be able to live our highest potential.
We live in a rapidly changing world. When I was born in Belgrade in 1968, at the time of no TV or internet, the population on the planet was three billion. Now they say it is seven billion.
The changes I have seen during my lifetime are huge. Emotionally, mentally and physically, we have to adopt different behaviour patterns, not just to survive, but to thrive without abusing other social groups or animals or endangering planet Earth.
The next stage, the stage of cultural life, is beyond the knowledge of more than 90 per cent of the population.
Having a percentage of the population that neither collects objects nor watches TV, nor reads newspapers, that is still capable of thinking, un-hypnotised, to appreciate art, or dance or sing, and is able to think creatively, is a part of my research fascination." Nataša Pantović
"If you realise your True Self, you will not need suffering, you will understand what a waste of time suffering is, when consciousness can be your choice. On the opposite scale of suffering you will find Love. So, to stop longing for the states of suffering, we need to actually train ourselves in loving! We need to learn to breath Love, speak Love and be Love every single moment of our lives. Love controlled by Will." Nataša Pantović a quote from A-Ma Alchemy of Love: Playing the Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras.
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