Transformation tools
AoL Mindfulness Training Mindfulness, PQ, Power of Mind, Self Development Course, defaultFree Personal Development Tools
Transformation Tools

We hope to help you in your self development journey and encourage you to take full responsibility for your body and its health, your mind, your emotions, your habits, your relationships, and your spiritual beliefs.
Transformation Tools for Your Body
Examining body, health, the food that we eat, the habits and patterns we become conscious of our diet, our addictions to medicine, drugs and various stimulants (alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sugars), to sex, gambling, shopping, constant stimuli, etc. This awareness is a big step within our self-development journey towards change.
Transformation Tools for Your Home
Often the environment we live in, mirrors our Soul’s state. If we are surrounded by Chaos, our Mind can not function Peacefully. If we love ourselves, we will give our-selves the gift of Beauty in everything that surrounds us, the gift of Harmony and the gift of Zen Emptiness
Transformation Tools for Your Time and Life Wasters
Often we waste time unconsciously and we need to apply a conscious effort to record this time and activities, so that we become aware of the wasters of our life.
Transformation Tools for Your Emotions
In an attempt to become conscious of emotional blockages, overcome addictions and cravings, focus on love, peace and harmony within our lives; we will explore the amazing world of emotions. We help you examine your Mind and your every-day thoughts. We will look into your conscious and sub-conscious addictions, and we will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Transformation Tools to Free Your Mind
To purify mind we start with the consciousness that energy follows thought. It is important that we free ourselves of negative beliefs and thoughts, that we stop gossiping, judging or criticizing.
Transformation Tools for Your Soul: Learn to Listen to Your Soul
Our soul whispers to us constantly. When we understand the power of mind and the way the soul communicate with us, we can help ourselves live in harmony.
Download our 12 Best Mindfulness Exercises in What is Mindfulness
Mindfulness is at the heart of many meditations. Mindfulness works withcontinuous awareness of the body posture and breath; of the feelings, of the thoughts, intentions, images, and of the mental objects that appear during the meditation.
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