Tag overview for: 'mind'
Entries on this site with 'mind'
- 1881 Teatru Malta: An Immersive Journey into Malta’s Fractured Past and Future
1881 Teatru Malta: A Journey into Malta’s Fractured Past and Future by Nataša Pantović 1881 brings together an impressive array of talent from local theatre, storytell - Cuneiform tablets or ancient printing press 4000 BC
art by Nataša Pantović The origins of cuneiform may be traced back approximately to the end of the 4000 BC . At that time the Sumerian carved pictographic tablets in U - Zhuangzi (369 BC - 286 BC) Quotes
art by Nataša Pantović The Zhuangzi is an ancient Chinese text that is one of the two foundational texts of Taoism, alongside the Tao Te Ching. It was written during t - Sigmund Freud Quotes
article by Nataša Pantović Have just participated in Reading Class on Sigmund Freud's classic Civilisation and its Discontents with Gail Debono. Sigmund Freud was an Aust - Urban Symphonies
art Urban Symphony investigated the continuum of harmony and disharmony in the urban environment of Valletta, The performance has comprised of movement, voice and musical - To philosophize is to learn how to die
A few days ago I found myself in a lecture entitled: To philosophize is to learn how to die Notes on an Ancient Idea by Dr Kurt Borg art education by Nataša Pantović "T - Aristotle Macedonian 380 BC and Christianity St Albert 1270 AC
Aristotle Macedonian 380 BC and The Political Brain by Nataša Pantović Just went to a philosophy sharing group by Professor Matt Qvortrup from Coventry University UK and - Activists Unite
At Malta's National Animal Rights Day inspirational by Nataša Pantović Last Sunday, Malta held its National Animal Rights' Day. In Mosta's most amazing garden with an amph - Million by Sarah Kern
art education books My son Andrej Million just had his adventures with his friend Romeo published in a book for kids in German by @SarahKern called "Million". The book is - Shakespeare and Elizabethan England’s Royal Court Political Marketing
Learning from the Imperial Elizabethan England about mind -manipulation, art , and Shakespeare's cultural heritage by Nataša Pantović Was "the Stratford man" a front for a - Metaphysic of Sound: In Search of the Name of God
Novel Metaphysics of Sound: In Search of the Name of God to be reseased in Feb 2021 by Nataša Pantović Join Nataša Pantović, Maltese and Serbian researcher of ancient w - Goddess Bastet and Ancient Egyptian Bel
Goddess Bastet (in Slavic BeŠTija) and the Egyptian Sacred City of Cats The Temple of Bastet was built in 2950 BC at Sakkara, Alexandria, at Bubastis. A goddess that had a - The First Musical Composition
The Seikilos epitaph is carved in marble stele dated 100 AC from Ancient Greece Did you know that the Seikilos epitaph is carved in marble stele, or a column, with poetry - Ancient Greek Herodotus
Ancient Greek Herodotus Ἡρόδοτος 484 BC – 425 BC, the Father of History A Barberian about Slavs and Ancient Europe, Balkan by Nataša Pantović History as Playing the Glass - Derveni Papyrus and Orphism
Derveni Papyrus about Orphism and Ancient Greek god s Esoteric teachings of Golden Citizens of Ancient Greece Learning from symbols , and ancient art by Natasa Pantovic M - Ancient Greek Research Paper on Symbols
Esoteric teachings of Golden Citizens of Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Numbers and Sounds Learning from symbols , and sounds of the first ever Research Paper by Archimedis - Ancient Greek Numbers and their Symbols
The Ancient Greek Numerical System Pythagoras Symbols Numbers and Tetractys by Nataša Pantović The divine number, the holy holy Tetractys, we find as a symbol expressi - Sumerian Temple Hymns
High Priestess Enheduanna and the Kesh Temple Liturgy Following Humanity's fight for enlightenment by Nataša Pantović Holy water and the sacred word, that is all you nee - Dionysus in Neolithic Europe
Ancient Balkans and god Dionysus Cult Symbols and Signs Research by Nataša Pantović The so called sacred topography of the Balkans, the northern frontier of the Roman E - Goddess Axen and Athena
Goddess aXen / Athena and Ancient Egyptian Amarna Heresy Ancient Scripts De-Coding Symbols and Signs research by Nataša Pantović Belief in one God in Ancient Egypt know - The First Language
In Search of the Mother Tongue Script of Neolithic Shamans Research by Nataša Pantović The Archeological Hacilar Settlement of Neolithic Europe dated to 6,000 BC and the - Script of Neolithic Shamans
Researching Ancient Egypt Rosetta Stone and Slavic Cyrilic Symbols and Signs Research by Nataša Pantović Going back to the Egyptian civilization, the ruler of the Med - Sacred Mount Sinai or SHaRa
Jabal, ShaRa or Sinai Ancient Sacred Ground Symbols and Signs Research by Nataša Pantović Jabal, ShaRa or Sinai mountain was always considered particularly sacred JaBaL - 21 Symbols Stamps of Neolithic European Archeological Findings
Neolithic European wisdom , symbols and Sound Frequences found in 21 divine Sounds within our Languages Symbols and Signs Research by Nataša Pantović Around one hundre - The Oldest European Town dated 9,000 BC
by Nataša Pantović Amazon Link In the course of human evolution, people learned to live together, first in small isolated groups, than in larger communities and some of t - Learning from Bulgarian Bogumili, Amadeus, Greek Theophil or German Gottlieb
Domine Sacra and Lady wisdom god divine consciousness by Nataša Pantović A Macedonian lady just told me that her name is Manče and that the name does not mean anyth - Reconsidering Transcendence in Art
Reconsidering Transcendence and spirituality in art Spiritual Quotes by Nataša Pantović “Beauty is the word that shall be our first. Beauty is the last thing which the th - The God Vibration
Following "H" through Ancient Civilizations as Sound of divine and Cosmic Vibrations by Natasa Pantović The sound frequency and the use of symbols within our mystical spir - Wisdom of Gods
Ancient Mediterranean Cultures and Advanced Civilizations by Nataša Pantović The Tao of Logos During the past 50 / 100 years , more and more archeological and art finding - El Ra Ma
Supreme God and Sound Frequency Chanting Mantras by Nataša Pantović The philosophical research concerning the divine and consciousness poses the question: Is there a mean - The Tao of Logos
by Nataša Pantović In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος. - New Consciousness and Group Dynamics
New consciousness & Subconsciousness of Group Dynamics Learning from Prometheus and Titans, Ancient Greek art by Nataša Pantović The subconscious material or mind chitta h - Leonardo da Vinci's Leda with Swan Mystical Knowledge
Ancient Worlds Teachings from Leonardo da Vinci's art - Leda with Swan by Nataša Pantović During 1505-1510, in Florence, Leonardo da Vinci paints his Leda with the Swan, - Learning from Bees and Castas in India
Super Sisters Bees Eusociality consciousness Evolution by Nataša Pantović Eusociality, from Greek εὖ eu "good", is the highest level of organization of animal sociality, f - Esoteric teachings of Golden Citizens of Ancient Greece
Ancient Greek Philosophers 400 BC – 200 AC Closer to Truth closer to God s and their wisdom by Nataša Pantović Treading the path of the development of Human Thought, givin - Neolithic Wisdom
Mystical Learnings from Ancient Temples by Nataša Pantović Walking the path of a spiral ascending, giving our deep respect to ancestors wisdom and scientists consciousness - Mysticism or Magic
Our journey from worshiping silence towards the worship of God’s names to Idol worship by Nataša Pantović Nuit 21st Century Spiritual Renaissance Demystifying Magic When E - Babylon Mysticism
Babylon Mysticism and art 2,000 BC Amorites and North Africa's Advanced Civilizations Following Humanity's fight for enlightenment You must have heard of Babylon, the city - Humanity’s Drive for Goodness and Gypsis
Who are Gypsis and why should we care by Nataša Pantović Can Human Nature with its profoundly caring and loving side abandon we vs. they behavior patterns and learn from G - Esoteric Teachings of Ripley’s Scrolls
Esoteric Christian art 17 th century Ripley's Alchemy Scrolls by Nataša Pantović Respecting the knowledge of Alchemists, within this dynamic orphic, hermaphrodite Universe - AoL Books Promotions
AoL consciousness books #Promotion November 2022 During the month of November 2022 for the occasion of #BlackFriday, we mark the festivals with free and almost free #book - Mindfulness Exercise Circle of Life
Free Personal Development Tools Mindfulness Exercise: Life Circle Mandala from Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course Recently I was asked to lead a Circle of Life wo - Self Development 9 Mindfulness Books Series
AoL Mindfulness Series 9 (nine) Self Development Mindfulness Books Published by Artof4Elements The Series of nine (9) fiction and non-fiction books focusing on spiritual - Ama Book Quotes
Ama Alchemy of Love Spiritual Historical Fiction Book Quotes by Nataša Pantović Nuit Set in the 17th Century Macau (China) Ama is an exploration into alchemy , spiritual - Conscious Creativity Book
Conscious Creativity: Ancient Europe's Mindfulness Meditations AoL Mindfulness Book #7 by Natasa Pantovic books It was during the Renaissance that creativity was firs - Ama Alchemy of Love
Ama Alchemy of Love by Nataša Pantović A-Ma is a historical novel / book set in the 17th century Macau during the Time of enlightenment . "Its miracle and its enigma - Downoad Mindfulness Training Courses Pdfs
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Socrates Esoteric teachings of Golden Citizens of Ancient Greece on Life, Human Nature, wisdom , About Goodness ‘ Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss event - Give a Mindfulness Gift to Your Family this Christmas
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Spiritual Symbols and Signs Full Moon Rituals from Around the World Moon Goddess and Full Moon Rituals Wow! What a Full Moon that was! How many times you have exclaimed th - Mindfulness and New Consciousness
Free Mind Articles Mindfulness and New Consciousness Promises of Mindfulness The mindfulness crowd, people practicing meditation , working with alternative healing metho - Mindful Being Book Reviews
Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training Books Reviews Mindful Being book Reviews Mindful Being Dragana's Goodreads , 02. April 2015: Great Self-development Tools Mindful Bei - Love Mindfulness
An Honest Look into a Mindfulness Journey Esoteric teachings of Golden Citizens of Ancient Greece Why do you think this magic word ‘ mindfulness ’ lights up so many fires? - My Adoption Journey
Tree of Life My Adoption Journey Nataša Pantović Amazon Link A poem for my baby-girl and my baby-boy alone in the wild wide world waiting for the cradle to rock . Within - Mindfulness Training Quotes
Spiritual Quotes Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training book Quotes by Nuit Conscious Parenting: Mindful Living Course for Parents ‘ A child has a deep longing to discove - Tree of Life True story
Tree of Life True story: Some Valuable Life Lessons Tree of Life by Nuit The Secret of enlightenment is not in Perfection but in Completeness I don’t know what your relat - AoL Books Reviews
AoL Mindfulness Books and Courses Read More: Conscious Parenting Book Reviews Conscious Parenting Course is a great course and I highly recommend it By Dee on June 14, - Conscious Parenting Quotes
Conscious Parenting Conscious Parenting Quotes From Conscious_Parenting Course by Nataša Pantović 'We live surrounded by an increasingly complex matrix of impulses allowi - About True Happiness
Spiritual Quotes About True Happiness Aristotel about happiness , Excellence (aretē) and Wellbeing (Eudaimonia) The central concept of Aristotel's philosophy is within t - Yoga Science
Science of Yoga How to Meditate Properly Yoga Science or Mysticism Ever since I fell in love with yoga , 25 years ago, my fascination is fuelled by this amazing Body of K - Mindfulness Quotes
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Spiritual Quotes Meditation Quotes: How to Properly Meditate How to Meditate Properly ‘It is simply sitting silently, witnessing the thoughts, passing before you. Just wit - Mantras for Meditation
Chanting Mantras Mantras for Meditation Magic of Mantras Singing mantras is an ancient spiritual practice of singing to God , repeating vibrational sounds and words. Sing - Mindfulness Training
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Love Meditation Shine Love Our mind is constantly active. Seeking stillness within the Mind that is in motion is impossible if we do not use the motion itself. When the s - Audio Video
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Spiritual Quotes Conscious Mind is Free Mind Exploring the Alchemy of Human Being we came across the magic of Human Brain and an extraordinary potential of the Mind Pow - What is Love
Spiritual Quotes What is Love Spiritual Quotes In Love with Love 'I sought love in many lives. I shed bitter tears of separation and repentance to know what love is. I sac - Who am I
Tree of Life Who Am I? from Tree of Life ‘I wish you to realize the powerful energies and deep force fields that you are in touch with...’ altered the voice from the other - Alchemy of Love Courses
Life Coaching Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training With Exercises to Deeply Understand Your Soul by Nuit In March 2015, Artof4Elements has launched the Alchemy of Love - Meditation Benefits
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AoL book s and courses by Nataša Nuit Pantović Spiritual Development and Growth Our purpose is to help you grow as a conscious human being. We believe that ALL that a - Rhythm Intuition and Freedom
Rhythm Intuition and Freedom an Excerpt from C onscious Parenting Course (AoL Book #5) by Nataša Nuit Pantović Kids Developing Imagination and Learning "The need for ima - Yoga Breathing
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The Secret of the Golden Flower an Excerpt from Spiritual Symbols with Their Meanings Book (AoL Book #8) by Natasa Pantović The ancient science of still influences the - We Love Mantras
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Spiritual Quotes Paramahansa Yogananda (1893- 1952) We intuitively use Poetry to Heal or express Joy! An Indian Yogi and Guru Yogananda ( ananda = bliss, through yoga ini - Sri Aurobindo
Spiritual Quotes Sri Aurobindo ( 1872 -1950) An illumined teacher and a yoga master Aurobindo says, 'I have three madnesses: I firmly believe that the accomplishments , ge - Guru Rinpoche
Spiritual Quotes The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying Sogyal Rinpoche Sogyal Rinpoche Sogyal Rinpoche is a Tibetan lama . Teaching for over 30 years and travelling throug - Pythagoras
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Arts make students smart Kids and Creativity an Exerpt from Conscious Parenting Course by Nataša Pantović Nuit Nurturing Creativity within our Kids Arts , sport , music - Creativity or losing fear of being wrong
Creativity or losing fear of being wrong 9 Most Important Tips to Cultivate Creativity, Conscious Creativity by Natasa Pantović According to the theory of left-brain or - Interview with Jason Lu
AoL Interviews Art of 4 Elements: Discover Alchemy through Poetry (AoL Mindfulness Training Book #1) Art of 4 Elements is a Spiritual Poetry and Art Book published by Art
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