Learning from God Minos
Tuesday 21 May 2019 at 1:00 pm
A Macedonian lady just told me that her name is Manče and that the name does not mean anything. Coming from such an ancient place, guarding goodness naturally, I was certain that her name hides a higher mystery. My research went back and found the name of the 13th century rulers of these lands (Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Albania) carrying the same name and all claiming supremacy over its origins. So this research, for me, became even more interesting, it went down the history lane of this amazingly mixed universe of Balkan countries.
Michelangelo Judge Minos in The Last Judgment Rome
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Learning from St. John and Dionysius 500 AC
Monday 20 May 2019 at 11:54 am
Learning from St. John and Dionysius 500 AC
Dionysius, a Syrian monk who in 500 AC, has devoted his life and research to our Mother Philosophy and her Sister Theosophy, in his noble attempt to unite Neo-Platonic Philosophical thought and Christianity with its mystical experience of god or divine. Known only by his pseudonym, Dionysius, he wrote a series of Greek treatises and for this work he was loved and respected by many. Not able to prove his true name, many a historian and consciousness researcher have gone back to his writings, and as it usually is some have tried to claim the supremacy of his thought, either by plainly copying his concepts or by calling themselves by his-own name.
A large segment of researchers of medieval Christian spirituality do agree with his research and conclusions. For further info check his book: “On the Divine Names”, “On the Celestial Hierarchy”, and “On Mystical Theology”.
God’s transcendence or its divinity is essentially experienced as the pair of opposites: grace and judgment, being and non-being, time and eternity.
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The confusion of tongues (confusio linguarum)
Tuesday 14 May 2019 at 11:41 am
Confusion of Sounds and Babylon
Freely recording / researching our religious practices and comparing our mystical experiences is a very new experience...
As a consciousness researcher you must admit that the Humanity's drive for Goodness is still perfectly manipulated by Far-Right or Far-Left Political structures that wish to sell arms or steal our Oil or have other “billionaire’s interests” at H-eart. Now, allow me to tell you why...
Baal 1400 BC Ancient Ugarit Phoenician coast Louvre
The mystical and magical Tower of Babel, was the cause of the early separation of mankind and their division into nations. It hasn't happened at the Babel Towel, yet the dispersion of the Alphabet, education, and the lady science in all its forms, indeed got disrupted around this period, so that the secret of writing stays with the ones in Power: at that time Kings and Priests.
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Four Elements within Art and Mythology
Tuesday 07 May 2019 at 07:33 am
Materializing within a body we call our own Self / Atman / Unit consciousness within a country or family we call own, we inherit the cultural unconscious set-up, yet with no physical memory of the accumulated progress of our collective society's story.
Free your conscious and subconscious mind, Unconsciousness and kids
A UN report tells us that one million animal and plants species are to be extinct during the next few decades, more than the number of living beings extinct through thousands of years of evolution. What do you think of that?!!
After we incarnate on this little planet, we take decades of schooling to develop fairly low level memory of the intrinsic matter, and we are left guessing properties of the primordial / spiritual matter.
Our parents' circumstances, family history, relationships with the friends or enemies, our priests, teachers, journalists, contribute to our conscious and subconscious leanings. Yet, whether we like it or not, the strongest physical mechanisms within our emotional or a mental body is the hormonal or chemical input our brain receives, as part of our survival instincts.
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Osiris Isis and Horus in ancient cultures of Egypt and Greece 2,000 BC
Saturday 06 April 2019 at 10:05 am
Ancient Mediterranean Cultures and Advanced Civilizations
During the past 50 / 100 years , more and more archeological and art findings further enlighten our knowledge of Humanity’s strive for democracy, justice, art, of what we now call "advanced civilizations" of cultures around Mediterranean 2/3/4,000 BC. Not at all a recent adventure, this drive within Humankind, has fully flourished in ancient countries all around Mediterranean for more than 2,000 years.
Why should we care?
For the last two thousands years, our writings were reserved for Kings, our knowledge passed among the privileged few, the image of women distorted, and abused. Learning, researching, exloring consciousness in our wish not to repeat Humanity’s shadow side, past mistakes, the genocides, the endless wars, the destructive spirals of greed, examining the birth-place of European culture and civilization, going back in time, before Romans, we acknowledge the beauty of the remarkably well preserved Neolithic village of Khirokitia (in Cyprus) that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site dating to approximately 6800 BC; of 30 + Ancient Neolithic Temples in Malta dating 3500 BC, of Ancient Greeks Polis, the city states, dating 2,000 BC, of Ancient Egypt, of Babylon, of Ugarit (now Syria), of Thrace and its amazing Universities, we now connect to our roots truthfully in an amazment, full of wonder towards what they have achieved within their cultures.
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