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Alchemy Symbols and Signs from Spiritual Symbols Book

What is Alchemy?

A Excerpt

Secret Art of the Land of Khem

'Khem is an ancient name for the land of Egypt, and  is one of the two oldest sciences known to the world. The other one is Astrology.'

Manly P. Hall about Alchemy

According to an old Rabbi legend, an angel gave Adam the mysteries and secrets of Kabbalah and of Alchemy, promising that when the human race understand these inspired arts, the curse of the forbidden fruit would be removed and man will again enter into the Garden of Eden.

Alchemy Symbols, Alchemy Signs

The earthly body of alchemy symbols is chemistry.

The Phoenicians, and Babylonians were familiar with alchemy.  It was the most prized of the secrets of the Atlantean priest-craft, it was practiced  in China, Greece and Rome; and it was the master science of the Egypt.   The most powerful of the alchemical organizations were the Rosicrucians, the Illuminati, and certain Arabian and Syrian sects.

What is Alchemy, alchemy symbols

What is Alchemy and Nature

Alchemy is based upon the natural phenomenon of growth. According to Alchemists through the  the consciousness of man can be transformed from base animal desires (represented by the metals) into a pure, golden, and enlightened consciousness; ignorance can, through proper endeavor and training, be transmuted into wisdom; metals can be transformed into gold.

Alchemy Symbols and Kabbalistic Tarot 

painted by Oswald Wirth:

Kabbalistic Tarot Artof4elements Article What is Alchemy, Alchemy symbols

The stages through which matter passes in its journey towards perfection can be divided into twenty-two parts, the twenty-two major cards of Tarot Symbolism of Numbers, twenty-two paths of Kabbalah, and the Twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

Read More within Symbolism of Numbers

The Tarot cards are an Alchemical Formula of manifestation.

What is Alchemy Q&A

So what is Life according to the Alchemy?

What is intelligence? What is the essence? What is Nature of elements?

Nature manifests through growth, it is an urge from within outward, a force that drives expression and manifestation.

It is invisible, it is life found in bodies, animated by the divine breath.

How does the Nature manifest?

Nature manifests as male and female, as Yin and Yang, as Left and Right Sephirot within the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life.

An alchemist must first know the Nature

An alchemyst knows that all substances grow from seeds, and that these seeds are already in the body of the substance.  Nature transforms the black carbon into diamonds, through millions of years of natural hardening.  Alchemy is the Art of increasing and bringing an element into perfection with the greatest possible speed.

The Alchemist must be able to discriminate between the male and female qualities and manifestations.  The matter must be separated from its impurities.

Alchemy Symbol, Can we give Nature a chemical symbol, a sign, an element?

Nature can be compared to Mercury.  Mercury is a chemical element with the symbol Hg and atomic number 80.  It is also known as quicksilver.  It is highly toxic.  Mercury is dual - fixed and volatile, it ascents and descents.  Ascending, it seeks to purify.

Alchemy - transforming Metals into Gold, Soul into Spirit

Symbols and Signs: What is Alchemy, Alchemy Symbols Holy Trinity

Alchemy preserves the triple key to the gates of eternal life.  It is a mystery of manifestation in three worlds: the divine, the human, and the elemental. 

Alchemical Symbols: The Triple Key in Four Worlds

a table showing the analogies of the three principles in the four worlds across different cultures.  These are alchemical symbols manifesting across different religions all around the world.

Timeless & Eternal

Dynamic & Expanding

Multiplying & Dying; contracting

  • Father
  • Kether
  • Brahma (Creator)
  • Son
  • Chokmah (Wisdom)
  • Vishnu (Preserver)
  • Yang
  • Mother / Holy Ghost
  • Binah (Understanding)
  • Siva (Destroyer)
  • Yin




Not an element: Life Force, Kundalini, Tao

Fire and Air

Water and Earth

Philosopher’s Mercury


Mercury or Salt

The Alchemist starts with a good seed, puts it to its proper earth, and when the seed is ready s/he rarefies it so that its virtue is increased and indefinitely multiplied.  According to Alchemy the Nature should be assisted, so the Alchemist works according to the laws of Nature, recognizing that the Art is merely a method that copies Nature.  Within the process of purification the Nature ends…

Alchemy Symbol of Gold

An Alchemist would tell you that all the beings contain in their inmost centre a precious grain of the elementary gold.  The nature of man reflects the entire universe in miniature. 

Ama alchemy symbols signs spiritual quote by Nuit

According to Alchemy, One is developed into Two, and the two are merged into one.  Elementarily and symbolically Sulphur is the living male, and Mercury is the living female.  Female and male must be joined together, so that they form a germ.  The Alchemist should separate the light from the darkness.  Both must be purified and putrefied and joined a-new together.  Their merge results in an Egg (Philosopher’s Stone) with the four elements joined together. The shell is Earth, the white is Water, the skin between the shell and the white is Air, and the yolk is Fire.  In the middle of the yolk there is the 5th element that is the Life Force.

VITRIOL = Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultul Lapidem

After the purification, a perfect equilibrium of the four elements enters into the Lapis creating the Philosopher's Stone, the Mercury of the Philosophers, or the Philosopher's Medicine that gives health and cures diseases, perfects metals changing them into Gold.  Long life, health, and happiness are all within the promise of this true AURUM, the most powerful and most precious Gold.

Lapis Alchemy Symbol

Many have tried to find Lapis, the Philosophers Stone, this sacred substance, searching amongst stones, liquids, air, or deep within their soul.  The stone that turns metals into gold, the energy that transforms any fire into ‘living fire’, any flow into ‘Divine flow’.

Ama alchemy symbols duality of life spiritual quote by Nuit

Do Read Ama Alchemy of Love Spiritual Fiction our Historical Novel that explores Alchemy

The Secret of the Golden Flower and Chinese Alchemy

It is the merge of male and female that fascinates us so much, it is the White Queen and the Black King that unite to give a birth to a child that is perfect and immortal.  It is  Yin and Yang that when circling in perfect harmony create balance and harmony within a Human Being, on Earth and in the Universe.

Wisdom and Secrets of an Ancient Chinese Alchemy Text: The Secrets of the Golden Flower

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This is an Excerpt from Spiritual Symbols with Their Meanings Book (AoL Mindflness Book #8)

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